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    mo'alin mohamud @ 2/17/2008 4:45 AM EST
i find yours and layla's comments intersting-and sometimes offensive. otherwise, no other issue. maxxad laakiin adigu issue ga ugu soo celcelinaysaa, 'gender issue'. I is fine, let us talk. hadii kale women section dalbada. on gabadha, way iskaga kay tagtay. i feel bad.
    revo4unity @ 2/16/2008 12:11 AM EST
 New foreign policy for Ethiopia is the right step to take. We can no long consider our neighbor an enemy and we should promote freindly relationships. After all, it is said to "love thy neighbor." However, I completely disagree with the notion that Ethiopia regime is there to help somalia. First somalia wants to better themselves, and seeking help from a dictator regime thats no better than former ruler of soamlia is not a better way to approach this. Ethiopia has the world worse human right next to israel. First let them provide justice within their soil before they worry about us. Any rational mind will conclude that. Peace to all.
    Arraweelo10 @ 2/15/2008 1:42 PM EST
 Macalin walaalo

Miyaad isku dhex yaacday, maxaa kugu saliday gabdhaha?. Haddaad gabar reer Togdheer ahna aad qabto, maxaa la naadinaysaa?.
    mo'alin mohamud @ 2/15/2008 11:23 AM EST
 Habarjeclaay wakaa muuse! change of tone. maxaa kale oon sameeyaa heees mooye.
Taan dumar ku leeyahay
waa gabadh togdheeroo....burco waxay ku taala.

war waxani macawistii bay mo'alinka ka dhigatay. inkaar alla kugu rid.
    Gaadh-haye @ 2/15/2008 10:53 AM EST

That was an error in judgement, I rephrase it with apology.
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