1/7/2025 today from hiiraan online : MPs accuse federal government of recruiting forces to destab...


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    shekh Bashir @ 8/11/2007 2:43 PM EST
 Dear General Qaalib, I hope you well.

Ilaah waxuu yri "walaa tactaduu ina allaha laa yu xibu-l muctaddina"
sadaqa al-hul cadiim. 1991, dadkii Guryahooda iyo beerahhoda la dhacay waxay illah ka
baryayeen muddo 16 sano ah, in illah Mogdishow keeno Ciidamo Ka Xoogbadan Hawiye oo ku sameysa
sidii uu horay ugu sheegay aayadiisa quraanka "fadam-dama caleyhim fasawaahaa wa laa
yakhafu qubaahaa" sadaqa laahul adiim. oo macnaheedu yahay: si weyn aayyan u xassuqeynaa
kuwa dadkeyga ama  xoolahayga xasuuqa.
Odoyaasha Soomaliyeed ee caaqilada u badan, waxay waayeen wax dhegeysta oo ta-looyka
fiican ka qaata. Awood militeryna waa waayeen si ay maxaysatadii Mogdishow heysatey 16 sano
uga qabsadaan si aay dowlad u dhisaan Dimoqaraadi ah.
Ma ogtahay in wadamada muslinku aay go'aan ku gaareen in aayanan Somaaliya ciidan u dirin
baqdin aay ka qabaan maxaysatada Mogdishow heysata oo aan rabin dowladnimo ama nabad.
Ma ogtahay in khubarada yurub iyo mareeykanka in ay ku dhiirigeliyeen Ethiopia in aay
xoog ku maquuniso maxaysatada Mogdishow si llo hirgeliyo dowladda Federaalka
ee Somalia ee pro-Westerenka ah iyo loo abuuro xaalad nabadgelyo oo somalia iyo
East Africa ka hirgasha si Ceelasha Oilka iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah loo soo saaro
iyo in la ciribtiro dadka raba xukumka siyaasadda Soomaaliya in aay qabsadaan ayagoo
ku soo gabanaya Diinta Isllamka, ahna dabadhilifyo Jaahilin ah oo khallijka ama Pakistaan
lacag laalush la soo siiyey.
Ma ogtahay in Mareykanka iyo Yurub ay go'aan ku gaareen in Ethopia si weyn loo taageero
sababta oo ah Ethopia waxay qarka u saarantahay in ay bur-burto. Taas oo kenidoontada
in East Africa uu muslim qabsado sida Kenya, Tanzania iyo Ethiopia.
Ma ogtahay in dowladda Ethiopia siyaasaddeda ama danaheeda Somalia aay tahay in aay u hurto ama ku
kharajgareyso 100 kun oo askary oo oga dhinta Soomalia si aay u kasbato US, EU, UN iyo
Soomaalida jecel in si nabadgeliyo ah ugu noolaadaan Somalia, Mogdishowna la xorreeyyoo!!!Hurraa!!      
    qig504 @ 8/4/2007 11:31 PM EST
 Hiiraan online give us a break. You're culling the opponents of the Abyssinian colonial occupation of Somalia for little or no reason. We are only trying to get our feeling to be know. Is that a big ask
    shanta @ 8/4/2007 11:53 AM EST
 These laments are well known, and sadly it has been same for the past 17 years or so. Please, Mr. Jamac provide a real sustainable solution rather than stating what is obvious to every Somali.
    Fiqicigaal @ 8/4/2007 10:08 AM EST
 Mr Ghalib
I respect you as a somali intellectual and i share your concerns about the security in somalia and the plight of our bewildered nation but wouldn't it be wise of you to organise a neutral political force in somaliland and eventually in somalia that advocates for the unity of our nation?. Charity begins at home and the biggest base in somalia for the Ethiopians is in Berbera somaliland and that is not healthy
    cxasan @ 8/4/2007 6:12 AM EST
 Thank you Jaamac Yare,

you said it all, but I am afraid the world doesn't work with logics anymore, it is all about who has the biggest stick!
I thank you again for your expertise and revealing the sinister agenda of US/Ethiopian imperialists. one thing you forget
to mention is the shortsightness of our people, whom some of us think that Somalia has just been liberated.
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