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    mercano @ 5/11/2009 6:35 AM EST
 Qawm cusuboo leh, "Bililiqo waa xalaal, xadidse waa xaaraan" aan aragney.  Middida lagu gooyey waa lasoo bililiqeystey ilen xibiga lacagta intuu ka keeney, "Wamaa malakat bi yamiinika miyaa? Jihaad?
Mooryaanka markii uu yaabey waxuu ku heesey,
Cimrigaa dheeraado Geel dhalaayana waaku tusoo, ununka samankaan walax aan aragney!
    simbe @ 5/10/2009 1:28 PM EST
 Listen Hymo. The Vampire

Is that what you call we loosing and you wining, when the death tall is about 100 and injures more than 200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You Vampire enjoy today it’s your day your Alxaeram killed 65 ………… You will rule Somalia with some folks from Tora Bora when last Somali southern is dead.

Keep doing your dirty business and blood bath…………… time will tell who is the real looser.
    hymohamed2004 @ 5/10/2009 12:55 PM EST
 Kan labaxay Simbe,

Halkan iska wad nacnacda iyo cayda aad Saba caayaysid.  It is a normal tendency for Dabodhilifs like you and many others to resort to isnults and personal when they are out of debate arguments.  I can assure you "inaadan cidida Saba gudin".  Markaa sida Rastafarian Momos Muqlootay hadba dhinac isku qaad!!!!

Every where I look, you folks are loosing!!!

Oo eedo maa habaarka naga yaraysid, anigu waa kuu ducaynaa oo inoo wada ducaynaa: Alle waxaan ka baryey inuu wadada xaqa ah ina wada tuso oo quluubteena isu soo duwo, oo cadawgeena gaala iyo yuhuud iyo Dabaofhilikfa ah inaga qabto oo xaq-u-dirirka guusha siiyo. Amen!
    fiqicigaal @ 5/10/2009 11:30 AM EST
 It is not about sharia law and how to implement it any more It is about how to stop this cycle of violence that brought death and destruction to those who can hardly defend themselves.

Violence has nothing to do with islam. It is bound up with hatred , ignorance and chaos.

It displays sadistic pleasure in the minds of foreign criminals who claim to represent the new violent alshabaab.

A society that presumes a norm of violence and celebrates aggression will never appear to do good. The evil it does is permanent unless they are stopped.
    simbe @ 5/10/2009 10:55 AM EST
 Agent 007

I agree with you; a gentle man should not insult a lady but there is BUT here my friend. The women become self-appointed symphony orkester leader on HOL, she is the one who tell every body what to write and nor to write. We can’t have our own opinion in HOL anymore.

I can accept that with some extent but the women is chameleon with no clear goal. I can’t agree with such referee. Tell me if you are me, what shell I do?

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