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5/12/2008 3:31 PM EST
If you are honest and passionate and stand a principle you believe in, then you wouldn't change your position. Religious beliefs and stands dont change. Politics change. People change. When you see a man calling himself a defender of Islam and seeking refugee in a Christian nation and at the same time calling for the destruction of Jabuti(Islamic nation), that man is not a true believer. He is an opportunistic hypocrate. If you are in it for speacial interest and you have no principle, then you change your mind and position based on what's hot for the moment.
5/12/2008 3:00 PM EST
They can kill as many Turks and Cayros as they can.
We're in a hot shooting war against them now. But that can change our political terms of reference and winds can change and blow to the other direction if the given situation permits it.
Again, its not about personalities that matters, its about the game and NOT the players.
Ofcourse you don't have the intelect to decipher that. You're the one who is confused.
It is absolutely worthless engaging in discusion with you.
5/12/2008 12:54 PM EST
You are not at war with America? America is hunting Hassan Turki and America took care of Ayrow. And you are telling me that you are not at war with America? Take a position. Are the Asmara group as confused as your argument is?
5/12/2008 10:29 AM EST
We do not a war with the US. If they cease their stupid war with us, we might reconsider our position vis a vis the US.
At the end of the day the beguiled Americans will find out that they were used by the Ethiopians, and will probably change course.
By the time they realize their folly it will be too late as we have already found other friends like the rising tigers of Asia.
5/12/2008 10:05 AM EST
I understand that. But even then, according to Alshabab and ICU and alqaida, America is an enemy of Islam and the war on terror is a religious war. Now you are saying there is a chance that ICU leaders may join the American side on the war on terror?
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