7/23/2024 today from hiiraan online :  _


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    Gacaliye@ @ 5/24/2008 7:10 PM EST
 Interestingly true, our power hungry and incompetant colonels siding either with Tigreys in Asmara or Addis.  They are both cowards seeking mercy with their respective tigre masters instead of the Somali people.
    nargale @ 5/24/2008 10:08 AM EST
 But first we need to liberate ourselves from women,every somali conflict can be traced back to a woman,both directly or indirectly!!Somali men are slaves to women&willing to do everything just to please her!!!all the time,the devil behind the wheel has been&will remain a woman!!!!atleased let them be like westerners&claim that freedom,by freeing us first!!we men think we have controll over them,but truth is,we are domesticated by them&everything we do is because of them!!Aaaaaaaahuaa hua hua huaaa!!!!
    Arraweelo10 @ 5/23/2008 2:15 PM EST
 Wadaad ku sheegu ha iska hadhadlo ama ha wacwac leeyo waayo:

Af nooli waa hadlaa Eyna waa ciyaa  
    Ubah-08 @ 5/23/2008 2:07 PM EST
 Sheekha sharafta leh, walee cadowga calooshaa ku xanuunta
markay masawirkaaga arkaan. Hadalkaagana halyeeynimadu
ay ku dheehan tahayna sidii gantaalka ayuu u wareemaa,ka
naxoow nafta kaa haaday. Waligaa haka daalin la dirirka
tigree iyo wuxuushta uu ku adeeganayo.Viva Sheekka Sharafta leh.
    momo519 @ 5/23/2008 7:07 AM EST
 No Tigre wants to see strong Somalia. Eritrea is a Tigre countr. Eritrea does not want to see strong Somalia.

Colonel Aweys lived among his clans and enjoyed when his clan was looting and oppressing innocent Somalis in the south. Sayid Mohamed, on the other hand, did not live with his clan. Colonel Aweys ran away from battle and is a refugee in a Tigre christian nation. Sayid MOhamed, however, remained in batle and died for his cause in his country. They have nothing in common. The only person Colonel Aweys so many similariies with is Colonel Yusuf. They are both Colonels. Both power and war monger. They are both clanists. They are both in love with their Tigre bosses.
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