3/17/2025 today from hiiraan online : Salford graduate fighting for educational equity as governme...


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    Hamdi @ 12/18/2007 4:20 PM EST
 Somali qurbo joog waa la iidin soo jeestey
akhriya articalkan kale:

    Arraweelo10 @ 12/18/2007 2:03 PM EST
 Now R C M P are getting ahead of themseleves, K'hat proceeds financing te'rrorism.....This is complete paranoia or you are so bored, that you willing to open false leads.  
    nomadic1 @ 12/18/2007 1:21 PM EST
 Dodgy dossier!!!!!!!!!!!!
    muhsin @ 12/18/2007 8:46 AM EST
 Somalia is not Afganistan after all eventhough those aiming to destroy afganistan have similar mission for somalia.What a surprise! mainly fighting against western aided ailing ETHIOPIAN ARMY IN SOMALIA ARE ANTI-KHAT MOVEMENT,ANT-PIRATES MOVEMENT NAMED UNION OF ISLAMIC COURTS.This cheap propaganda wont even fetch a cent.
    Dr Ali @ 12/18/2007 6:23 AM EST
 Beware grass eaters. The Jewish guy who flamed this fake intel should be hugging other mossad guys in RCMP. Will RCMP stop this grass or use as springboard to harass Somali grass eaters?. Days ahead are full of surprises
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