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    Caana Geel @ 6/6/2012 1:14 PM EST
 Musse waad wanaagsan tahay, laakiin ayaa meesha ku
Shirka London iyo kan Istanbuul ma xuma, waxaase u baahan nahay
Sidii awoowayaasheen in aynu fariisana GEED HOOSTII
OO aan ku heshiina anagoo kaliya Somali Weyn.
Looma baahna Dawladdo shisheeye in arimaheena ay Ogaadaan.
Waana wax laga fiican yahay,
    Xog-Oday @ 6/5/2012 8:46 PM EST
 Your article is very articulate, we need more Somalis to speak about Somali unity. I,like you, believe that Turkey's motives are genuine and honest.
Somalia needs assistance from countries without hidden
interests.Hopefully,Turkey can do just that. Soomaaliya waa mid qurra.
    samburu @ 6/5/2012 5:16 PM EST
 How come this site censors opinions that don't cross the line
    Stickorcarrot @ 6/5/2012 4:37 PM EST
 Ever so-sensitive Hargeisa defenders. You guys have image
issue I am sure.

Relative is the keyword here. In Somalia, every clan is at
peace with itself now. The problem in South Somalia, it's
not "tribal" problem it is Somali problem. In case you conveniently
forget, Your Boys from Hargiesa are #1 trouble makers in
South Somali stop whining whenever someone talks about your
clan chiefs.
    samburu @ 6/5/2012 3:47 PM EST
 Silly article about camera-hogging people.This conference was nothing more than the countless fourteen or so conferences held for the dead Somalia.Istanbul conference was nothing more than  mouthing of formulas that contradict the reality of Somalia. The predicament of Somalia points to the uniquely volatile South Somalia.It is only fair to be critical of where the cancer of lawlessness metastasis from.Somaliland today is relatively peaceful.I would have taken serious all the countless articles that appear on Somali sites if they only put Somalia's quandary into perspective.Instead of getting bogged down on where the President of Somaliland is going to seat the next inevitable Somalia confrence why not adress the motor-force behind the destruction of south Somalia.Only today the so called TFG police and military are fighting over some liberated cities in South Somalia.  
    Stickorcarrot @ 6/5/2012 12:12 PM EST
 I agree with Muse and his optimism. But I don't agree the
so called "Alpha". Do you know who gave them the name? Any
hint? Who runs? Who do they work for? Who trains them? Who
are these people? You are escaping some who covers their faces
now, I am afraid you will do the same sometime soon with these
same guys!

Wax la qariyo qurun baa ku jira baa Soomaalidu tiraahdaa.

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