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    Darvesh @ 11/15/2014 1:45 PM EST
 Somalia deserve bettereaders than these warlords...usa,p lease cut funding and support, these guys are worthless.
    wiifgarow @ 11/15/2014 11:07 AM EST
 Somaliland is imploding too. People lost hope after 30 years of continous undermining, disrespect and humiliation by the US and UN. If it commits suicide and becomes a haven for ISIS which makes Al-Shabab look like the Boy Scout Movement, history will show that US undermining of the only genuine democracy from the shores of the Nile to Mount Kenya is largely to blame. If you cant see this coming no wonder yuou didnt see the bickering in Mogadshu coming. Unprincipled and shortsighted US policy at its worst.
    wiifgarow @ 11/15/2014 10:16 AM EST
 There is also aclear failure of intelligence in what is really a no government at all. How come the US, British and UN emabbassies and links and moneybags were so completely unaware of the brewing conflict between the Prez and the PM? They should all be sacked! Now that the conflict is out in the open and taking clan connotation(like everything else in somali politics0, no one can be seen to climb down. It will be too humilitaing not only for the man but his whole cvlan. Hawiyes, for so long overshadowed and ruled over by Darods cannot be seen to be climbing down yet again for another darod. This will work itself out and the venue being Mogadishu, the Darod boy will lose. It may even be, god forbid, worse for him.
    wiifgarow @ 11/15/2014 9:54 AM EST
 The US expressions of frustration are understandable given the investment they put into creating, legitimising, funding and propping up a regime that is no more or les legitimate than any other since the assassination of the last elected leader in 1969.

What is astonishing is that they expected their swamp baby – born through bribery and corruption to behave like a clean –cut, genuinely legitimate selfless national government for the people by the people.

I am aware of the much vaunted American spirit of unbridled optimism but this is surely bordering on the clinical self-delusion.    
    dhasheegduur @ 11/14/2014 10:50 PM EST
 Don’t bite the hands that feats you:
What a joke if the western donors leave today Ugandans will leave too and President Hassan will go back to his group  of shapap Yulka will go back to his Islamic bank, so this government will evaporate to the earth
I don’t understand what kind of sovereignty Hiran commentary are claiming
I believe as long as the Somali capital is in Mogadishu and criminal alshapap who amalgamated for anarchy profiteers. The Somali government will never be born again, because above two groups do not want rule of law.
    sonofsomalia @ 11/14/2014 10:03 PM EST

    I see you started foaming at the mouth again, a mere mention of Mogadishu puts you in trans.
    FiqiJin @ 11/14/2014 8:55 PM EST
 Mogadishu has no brain left there, except one which foments discord and chaos. Even the best and brightest from there has the sickness. So long as the same people with the same mentality of anarchic thought and deeds, who have no brain to rule, are passing now for leaders, Somalis will be in the mire! This so called president acts like an infant about ministerial reshuffle. The whole nation comes to a halt! Classic brainlessness, which couldn't rule for 23 years, is at it again.
    shabeel @ 11/14/2014 7:47 PM EST
 the US is nothing and is a falling empire. It gives nothing to Somalia but keeps uagandans here. We must go to China and Russia and cultivate good relations with these emerging powers before it is too late. Putin is the man to go to and china is the real economic power. The US never built anything in Somalia.
    Zami @ 11/14/2014 6:12 PM EST
 sonofsomalia & topclan

I am just stating a fact. Being on AID is dangerous for our national security because they can blackmail you into doing as they say. I would not call Hassan Sheikh "honourable". If you call a man who threatens women (Yussur Abraar) honourable I have a problem with that. AID has many conditions, but the most important of all is to do as your told. Absolutely pathetic that the country is in this state. China should have been allowed to come in and extract the oil already. Oh but no, Hassan Sheikh wants to honour oil deals signed by a dictator. He also wants the IMF, the same IMF that funded Siad Barres genocide to be a "stakeholder" at the Somali Central Bank. Our country has been turned over to foreign interests under Hassan Sheikh, he will burn in hell.
    Guled Guled @ 11/14/2014 6:08 PM EST
 son of Somalia this Zami does not like anything that breaths and he just a punk and he does not know what he is saying.
Zami blackmail what kind of garbage is that not getting aid from foreigners is not the end of the world and being independent is the best thing and the government of Somalia can afford $80,000 or 100,000  automobiles with bullet proof and everything and with run flats from the uae and they can afford to help develop the government without any aid.
    topclan @ 11/14/2014 6:07 PM EST

These clowns will destroy the country if they don't get what they want. But the government is limited to Mogadishu so you know who will get brunt of it and who will blamed for it.

We are in a catch twenty-two situation.

That is why I sometimes wish the capital city was somewhere else because we always become the casualty and also get the blame.
    topclan @ 11/14/2014 5:38 PM EST
 Aid is always used as a leverage, not humanitarian aid, although that has also been used, but other types of aid like economic and military.

This isn't unique to Somalia, it's international practice for when a country does what is unacceptable in the eyes of the International community.

Every country must use the tools at its disposal to insure it gets what wants.

Zami, were you expecting aid without conditions? There is no such thing.

To quote, Henry Kissinger, the father of modern US foreign policy: "To give food aid to countries just because people are starving is a pretty weak reason"
    sonofsomalia @ 11/14/2014 5:29 PM EST

  Public already wants those clowns gone. Do you think the average car driver in Mogadishu wants to pay $130US for license, plus $90US for plate renewal. These guys are already milking the system to the bare bone, so any Mogadishun would be happy to see Damjadiid and their bold friend leave. Not to mention the 275 parasites who are occupying the parliament building.
    sonofsomalia @ 11/14/2014 5:25 PM EST

  So you don't like the honorable President Hassan Sheikh, but you dislike national blackmail even more. Good to know. We would not be in this state if it was not for the men at the helm. They made a joke of our government, should all be sacked immediately.
    topclan @ 11/14/2014 5:23 PM EST
 One has to understand that these guys are mercenaries, they only care about what they can steal before they leave office.

The money the US and EU give them is not easy to steal because it's not given to them in bag like the money they recieve from Arab countries, so they don't care if the US or EU cut their funds because that will hurt the public not these mercenaries.

Somali politicians don't care about the public and because they are already very unpopular hurting the public will not make them act any different.
    Zami @ 11/14/2014 5:08 PM EST
 Blackmail. This is why foreign aid is a threat to Somalias' national security.

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