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    qig504 @ 1/1/2007 7:51 PM EST
 Knowing what Geedi stands for, I don't think anyone will listen to his call for disarmement. He is the next sacricial lamb for either Meles or Yusuf. He reminds me Salad Gabeyre
    mercano @ 12/31/2006 2:59 AM EST
 Brother Abdik. Come back home. We need you. This opening is genuine and a heavenly one. There was a lot I could have said that you would have understood, but many would only understand it now, after things happened. Remember, there are 3 kinds of people; those that make things happen, those that watch it happen, and those that wonder what happened.  It is clear that we at least belong to those that watch it happen, and AlhamduliLaah, not those that wonder what happened.
Brother Syed, which Islam? You are Syed? Ashraf? You canot be Ashraf, perhaps a lost one. IUC Islam is not Egal Islam or traditional Islam, ICU kind kills your people, Ahlul Bait. It is only a matter of time, it will be haunting you. It is Wahabism. Reflect and learn your history. Start by inquiring your grandparents b4 you truely belong to those that wonder what happened. What? What? What's that? Most important, it is the attack they made on the Maqam of Shaykh Nureyni in Brava that brought the IUC down.  The next day Allah sent his servants to clear them. The only thing that saved them, is the few good things that they did during the 6 months of their..... And you are concerned about environmental and physical pollution, brother, spiritual polution is WORSE. Mercano
    seyd shariff @ 12/30/2006 8:59 PM EST
 There is big bussiness for the mafia and the Hyenas to burry poisonous industrial
in somalia as in Putland.
Now it is free for all, China, Russia, France, US that was their aim to poison somali people.
Wakeup guys
    seyd shariff @ 12/30/2006 8:05 PM EST
  No artificial Bantustan will save anyone it is only Islam.
It is Islam that saved somaliland under their great leader Egal, whose foresight in introducing Islamic sharia
gave peace to Somaliland.
Islam stand for unity and its only Islam that willsave somalis everywhere.
    handule @ 12/30/2006 5:13 PM EST
Brother Mohamed Diriye thank you for a well written and
open article. And Somaliland should be recognized for its
stability and democratic institutions and for defying all
odds to keep her independence and avoid the plague of
lawlessness and violence that has befallen the rest of
Somalia until recently with the advent of the Sharia courts.

The US and the west and their puppet Ethopia and the
Somali 'puppet regime' TNG do not want peace and prosperity
for Somalia but only to take care of their interests and line
the pockets the the warlords who are making a come back.

Somalia will only be saved by Islam as the success of
Somaliland and the peace and law and order that was
brought by the Union of Sharia courts have exemplified.

Everything else is artificial and will not remove
the curse of war, violence and insecurity from this
poor nation of people who have suffered so much.

The cure of greed and tribalism and clanism lies only in
Islam and can be found no where else.
    Ali-christian @ 12/30/2006 2:16 PM EST
    abdik @ 12/30/2006 10:12 AM EST
 Brother Mercano good to hear from you again. :)

Brother I am already making plans to travel back to Somalia, to Barawe in few months. I hope that sometime in the near future we will see a Somali in which it wont matter what clan one belongs or what segment of society we each claim to belong.

Brother mercano many of your earlier predictions came true. I still can't forget that one story of yours though about Somali clan leaders in Nairobi during the meeting to build the current gov. fighting over who will be the translater for the meeting. lol, unbelievable.
    mercano @ 12/30/2006 9:58 AM EST
 You are proud to have opened an embassy in Addis. You held me in Wajaalle because I did not aquire visa from your ...in Addis, when no one stopped or questioned me as I took the Euro Rail from Amesterdam to Paris. I hope I shall witness in this lifetime a day I can travell from Marka Caddeey to Dakar without a single footballheaded African like you asking me to demonstrate imported European concepts of identity and rights to travel. Mercano
    mercano @ 12/30/2006 9:35 AM EST
 I wonder, why is it that it is ok for Somaliland and every ElseSomland to be an ally of Ethiopia.  When it comes to our region, suddenly, Ethiopia is an enemy of all Somalis.  Hummhhh!!! Dancing with Jackals, the big bad Ethiopian wolf.  I am begining to wonder who is really the big bad mascarrate Jackal.
    Yousef2 @ 12/30/2006 6:21 AM EST
 Mr. Abdullahi, you made a big plunder! The only single point that unites all the protagonists of the 'southern' mess is the sacredness of Somali Unity. Warlord, UIC and TFG are all agreed on that point; therefore get another topic if you need listeners!
    alio @ 12/30/2006 4:49 AM EST
 Your aren't a Somali scholar but clan-minded traitor worse than Melez in the eyes of Somali nation.
All Somalis know the 1000 of Isaaq mercenries are taking part and actually fighting along side  Ethopian Infidels this war against Somali nation and actually fighting along with Ethopian Infidels and Company.
Please read this article on Hargeiysa involvment Here
    cadeeycadow @ 12/30/2006 2:34 AM EST
 The dream of Somaliland to be recognized will never materialize. The west and their friends will never recognize Somaliland. It is unfortunate that our brothers in northern Somalia are crying for recognition while the Europeans are uniting and eliminating borders to became united and strong Europe.
They (the US) will never allow Somalia to have viable government until they install a government that is subservient to the white house. Uncle Sam will never leave Muslims to decide their fate. They have shown their true face by giving the green light to Ethiopia to invade Somalia. The result of this invasion is every warlord is back to his previous position. I feel sorry for my people of Somalia whether they leave south for north. My God help the people of Somalia
    @ 12/30/2006 1:26 AM EST
 Mr Abdullahi at first appears concerned for the general welfare of the Somali people, their current affliction and future outlook. Then all of sudden, collapses into a whimpering secessionist begging for international recognition.

“Please world, oh cruel world, we begged you for 16 years, we swear we are better then our brethrens down south, bestow your recognition us, before this hyenas (Yousuf/Gedi) and our best friend Zanawi march on us, Ameen.”
    youngsalaf @ 12/29/2006 10:57 PM EST
 salaamu Caleeykum

There is a way to disagree opinoins, but the way the last two guys did
is rather childish. I don't agree somaliland to break away.. no, no i don't..
but only when there is peace and functional goverment in somalia.
they are better off being somaliland..and when we get something like somaliland..
then ask them respectfully to come in the to family folder.

Guys be easy... aight...
    Time Will Tell! @ 12/29/2006 10:00 PM EST
 Brother, get business. Your article is good for nothing. Your article lost its meaning when u said Somaliland should be recognized. Do we need further division, and if the division continues, who should take the reminder. I beleive if Somaliland is reconginzed, there will be no more Somalis, and the rest that remained, Ethiopia will rule it. May God Bless Somalia. Aaamiin

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