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    baghdad bob @ 11/11/2012 9:51 AM EST
 The kenyan central bank is apparently acting as the somali central bank. we should not work with kenya at all at any level! Its one of the most corrupted countries in the world and like ethiopia they occupy already the entire southern part of somalia. why should be working with a country that does not wish us peace and stability? why would they want to have peace when making 2.5 billion dollars from our misery every year? kenya will fall apart if there is peace in somalia and they will try any trick in the book to keep somalia the way it is
    Fiiqoow @ 11/10/2012 6:51 PM EST
 War ninkaan maalmahaan gaalada ka horeeya,ee Ducaale la leeyahay yaa wax u sheega. Intii nicmada yar ee Illaah siiyay uu ku shukrin lahaa ayuu maalmahaan gaaladii yahuuda ee tuugada adduunka ahaad uu rabaa in uu xoolaha ummadda soomaaliyeed u gacan geliyo. Stock exchange adduunka ayaa lagu soo dhacay oo maanta ceeyr noqday, aaway gaaladii cadeed xoolahoodii sowtan maalin walba ay cabaadayaan maahin.
Ina Ducaaloow waxaan ku leeyahay yaan xoolahaada lagaa dhicin. Ummadaana ha ku soo hogaamin gaalo afku weynaaday.

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