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    Topclan @ 5/8/2016 8:31 AM EST
 Let me you give an example of how HOL failed: they regularly present government agenda without telling us what it means and how it could affects us.

Don't just feed us government news like a government mouth-pie-ce, tell us what they mean.

HOL hasn't informed us of remarks the president made about dismissal of members of the judiciary and other relevant information.

HOL has not educated the public about the constitutionality of the SFG actions, in particular president's recent action and the agreement by NLF on national s/election plan.
    Topclan @ 5/8/2016 8:28 AM EST
 Let me you give an example of how HOL failed: they regularly present government agenda without telling us what it means and how it could affects us.

Don't just feed us government news like a government mouth-pie-ce, tell us what they mean.
    Topclan @ 5/8/2016 8:22 AM EST
 The media's job isn't only to inform and educate the public, but Also as citizens to defend the constitution and the national interest

I don't believe HOL has Adequately informed and educated the Somali public this issue and the coming national s/election, let alone defending the constitution and the national interest.

Somali media is selling Somali public short.

What helps Corrupt Somali leaders is the failure by Somali media to inform and educate the public.
    Topclan @ 5/8/2016 8:20 AM EST
 What I want to know is where are the defenders of the constitution?

In Somalia, there are the defenders of personal interests, those given government posts or bought off, defenders of the status quo because they don't want an independent Somali state, Somali leaders and IC predators and defenders of the clan, those who will back a leaders from their clan no matter what.

It's very difficult if not impossible to find defenders of the constitution in these three groups.

If you are not part of these three groups, you must defend the constitution. Because if you don't, you are abandoning Somalia at their mercy.

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