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    fiqicigaal @ 2/14/2012 4:52 PM EST
 arbe aka Egeh washeysi,

Duli allah ku bad nijaaskiiyow ileen iidoor anshax iyo akhlaaq ma leh oo asalkiisii horaa afxaaraan ahaa ilaa awow ka awow!!!

    arbe @ 2/13/2012 11:06 PM EST

Cagdheer Somali noqonweyday cid iyaga iyo cuudka la dhaqdo kala sooci kartaana majirto. Fiqi Cagdheer adiga iyo hashiinii Cilaanba markaad ciin daaqdaan ba la idiin yaabaye cagta dhigo.
    fiqicigaal @ 2/13/2012 6:46 PM EST

'...dhaqan adayga ma Sheekh baad ku soo baratay ee
layga raacay maaha'?

I like that lol

Hase ahaatee, aniga iyo reerka waalini haba yaratee we have nothing in common.

Anigu waxaan ahay Somalidoon, iyagu waa somalidiid

Aniga axmaaro col iyo cadaawaanu nahay oo ciideydii bey xoog ku heysataa dagaalbaana naga dhaxeeye, iyaga iyo axmaaro waa heshiis waali iyo hunguri iyo somali naceeb ayey ku heshiiyeen

Anigu martida iyo maganta waan badbaadiyaa, iyagu cadowgey u dhiibaan maganta xataa hadeytahay maxas mana qiimeeyaan naflaha

Anigu aad ayaan isula qabweynahay(like any true somali person)in leyquudhsadana waan ka dagaalama, iyagu sharaftooda iyo jiritaankooda shilimo(few birr in this case)

Anigu Ilaahey ayaan aaminsanahay islaamnimadeyduna gorgortan magasho, xataa Yuhuuda wey isu dhiibeen si ay passport u helaan faranjigana isaga iskaba daa waayo weyku abtirsadaan

Anigu dhaqankeena iyo caadadeena ayaan dhowraa waanan ku faanaa iyagu wey ka faanaan oo hadba dhinaca dabeyshu ula kacdo ayey aadaan

Ma aniga iyo Cige washeysi ayaa madal wada fadhiisankarna fanta iyo furuq isaga iyo faranjigaba ha dishee kkkkk
    arbe @ 2/13/2012 3:51 PM EST
 Fiqi-cagdheer/Calaacal & Stinky,

Ratiga Fiqi iyo Dameerka Stinky labadaba aniga oo Arbe ah ayaa duudka ka rarta inta ay weli howl kar yihiin laakin markay howlgab noqodaan Axmaarkoodii hore u lahaan jiray ayaan dib ugu celin doonaa.
    Stickorcarrot @ 2/13/2012 3:05 PM EST
"Nin habari dhashay hal ma seegi waayee!" Maxaa ku xigay
heestii? "Howlahan wax ila qabo?" Ma Ahmed A. Cigaal buu
ahaa? Oraahdu waa ka weyntahay heesta laakiin hees bay ku
jirtay baan filayaa.

Waa runtaa "Caano & Nabad" bay ahayde, haddii aan mirihii
Secular isticmaalo, "qalindaar" bay iga ahayd.
Egeh waa xaar walwaal, balse let's not generalize. Waan
la socdaa inaad Sheekh graduate tahay Fiqiyoow. Sownigii
beri ku iri, dhaqan adayga ma Sheekh baad ku soo baratay ee
layga raacay maaha?
    fiqicigaal @ 2/13/2012 1:03 PM EST

I agree with you. From now onwards we will call him Cigeh xaarweyne, shall we?. kkkkk

BTW, I am familiar with khaldaan mentality since I had my schooling in khaldaan enclave and what we are witnessing here is a typical iidoor psychopath and there are plenty of them in Hargeisa and the best way to deal with a psycho  of that nature is to lock him up in lunatic asylum where he belongs to.

    Stickorcarrot @ 2/13/2012 11:53 AM EST

Ninkii Egeh Xaar sayrnimadiisii ayuu la soo noqday. Isma
qarin karo ileen waa dhoohanyahaye. Xaar buu taraarayaa.

"Ninna caado ma baajo, bahalna ceerin ma daayo oo caare waa dhalankiis"

Walee Egan sharaf iyo hadal wanaag loogu iman. Burush xaar leh
buu la wareegayaa xaarkiisuna golaha waa wada gaaraya. Najas
    arbe @ 2/12/2012 8:35 PM EST
What is the difference between your Cagdheer ancestors and their camels?
    fiqicigaal @ 2/12/2012 6:39 PM EST
 co..A pig will never cleanse nor a secessionist mindless iidoor the likes of arbe aka biyo -qudmay aka Egeh washeysi.

That is for calling me cagdheer and there is more to come every time you generalise a clan to sling insults to its people whom you hardly know the majority, you coward bonehead imbecile!!
    fiqicigaal @ 2/12/2012 3:10 PM EST
 Egeh washeysi,

Your deluded mind full of doubt cannot grasp the truth even if the whole holy Qura'an is recited on you.

An id*ot khaldaan will never change his irrational tribalistic thinking and it will be a waste of time to put some decent ideas through his thick skull.      

    arbe @ 2/12/2012 11:13 AM EST

You are a liar.  You are not a Somali, but you are an Ethiopian puppet who prefers to be enslaved by the Ethiopians and who have sold his soul to the Xabashas. If you are a Somali as falsely claim call yourself a Somali instead of Cagdheer Ogadeen /kililka and opt for joining Somalia instead of sticking the the Ethiopians.
    fiqicigaal @ 2/12/2012 7:52 AM EST
 arbe aka Egeh nijaas,

Did you say Somali affairs? I thought you and your SNM psychos sold your identity to Ethiopia to be enslaved manipulated and exploited thinking that your suicidal decision to separate from Somaliweyn and be recognised as a country will be acheived with the help of poor Ethiopia off all countries, right?

Iam a true Somali, a man of conviction and principles all in the name of unity, security and development for Somalia and I will uphold my belief of Somaliweyn to the day I die and nothing else matters to me neither clan intertest nor personal gains unlike your Iidoor jumped up mindless madnen who will go where the grass is greener or so they think at the cost of their sovereignty and dignity.
    arbe @ 2/11/2012 7:01 PM EST

An Ethiopian owned slave like you have no business in interfering in the Somali affairs and the sooner you are banished the better.  
    fiqicigaal @ 2/11/2012 7:36 AM EST
 arbe aka biya qudhmay aka Egeh washeysi,

All you can say is Cagdheer but i won't generalise a clan and call you  brain dead walaamo/fag*t Iidoor and a useless secessionist appeasing his wayane master.

You can deny reality as much as you want but the fact is, you are stuck  in  khaldaan mentality

Like it or not you are Egeh washeysi and you will stay Egeh nijaas no matter how you try to disguise, you are busted.
    biyo-kulule @ 2/11/2012 12:06 AM EST
 Fiqi-cagdheer ama waxaad doonto la bax..

Ninkastaa waxa uu yahay ayuu ku moodaa.. adigaa kun magac la baxa doqonoow
    arbe @ 2/10/2012 10:05 PM EST
 Fiqi-Cagdheer/Calaacal & Stinky,

This is Arbe So man up and deal with me if you have the guts or smart enough to defend yourself against me instead crying Egeh your old user and abuser. Egeh showed you some mercy, but don't expect anything like that from me. I will chase you out of the Somali borders to your primitive tracks in the Xabasha colonized and enslaved Ogadeen area.
    fiqicigaal @ 2/10/2012 3:01 PM EST

If you say so wiseman, but remember as you well know ' kab iyo xaarkeed waa leysla xooraa/ tuuraa'.

Tan kale, aniga iyo awowe Cigaal shiddad deegaankanaga maahmaahda aad hoos ku qayaxday waxaanu nidhaahnaa' caano iyo nabad waxaan aheyn waa leys qabadsiiyaa'.  

Nin habari dhashay hal ma seegiwaayin lol
    Stickorcarrot @ 2/10/2012 2:11 PM EST
Xaaji Fiqi,

Biyo maaha Arbe AKA Egeh AKA Sool-boy. Waa qaldaan kale
laakiin he is different.

Soomaalidu waa tii tiri;

“Caano iyo biyo waxaan ahayn waa la kala qaadaa” Af xumaddii buu ka qaaday laakiin isku mid
maaha. Taas anigaa ku iri, cid dambe ha weydiin. Af xumaddase waa wadaagaan.

    fiqicigaal @ 2/10/2012 1:43 PM EST
 Here is how Egeh washeysi works to fake a username. He will pick a name and post it but with the same character and wording hoping that he can fool us. It never worked and it won't work because it will take a second grader to identify his cheap and childish trick which will always back fire.

That is your mindless confused lowlife Egeh washeysi. How do you deal with him? smear sh*t on his face when ever he tries to comment with one of his multi usernames.
    fiqicigaal @ 2/10/2012 1:34 PM EST
 Biyo-kulule aka Egeh aka arbe aka washeysi,

Listen khaldaan sissy-boy, to be a good liar one needs a good memory but  a  washeysi like you who  suffers from lost of memory cannot have any memory at all sadly.

Yes, I can sniff out a liar when I see one and you don't have to be super intelligent to identify who is who in this Cyber community and put a particular user name under a particular comment like I do on Egeh's fake multi user names.

    Stickorcarrot @ 2/10/2012 1:22 PM EST
Biyo caqli foorara.

Doqonnimadda waa la kala qaadaaye, inaadeerkaa Egeh washaysi
ma kugu daartay inaad qowmiyad aflagaadayso. Kolay caqli inaad
isku biirisaan amba ma sugayn.
    biyo-kulule @ 2/9/2012 10:25 PM EST

Waxan u malaynayaa in dhiig kar ku dili doono lol U need to take it easy. People of SL are pure Somali people even if they rule themselves under Somaliland independant state. Read Abullahi Dools book titled "Failed states" he haials from your tribe but he is , if he is not the only, objective person from your brain-washed tribe ever seen. He empasized that poeple of Sl are and always been honesty, peace-loving, patriots, straightforward, transparent while the people of the sout are and always been opposite to that. Corrupted, inept, conspiracy and so on , and that is why, as he insited, SL now i very peacefull and functioning while south-somalia is burning.
    fiqicigaal @ 2/9/2012 6:59 PM EST
 Egeh washeysi,

You are busted you suicidal moron and now that I have got you in stranglehold I will put you in the gutter with pigs where you belong to and leave you to decay.

    arbe @ 2/9/2012 6:13 PM EST

You being an ig'norant Cagdheer and high on a camel urine must stay away from all Somali forums until you renounce the following Ogadeen & Kililka and call yourself Somali Galbeed.
    fiqicigaal @ 2/9/2012 1:51 PM EST
 arbe aka Egeh washeysi,

See, I thought you will repent after we exposed your fake user names but being high on your little green grass (kat) you are stubborn as any other drug addict and you are known to stir sh*t  and nothing substantial comes from your deluded mind.

This might help you: If you can’t stop lying, learn how to tip-toe it or you will always make fool of yourself with your despicable postings.
    arbe @ 2/9/2012 11:04 AM EST
 Among all the trashy and meaningless comments I have read here, the one from Fiqi-Cagdheer stands out out as the most dishonest and hypocritical one! this lunatic is talking about one nation without borders  while in actual fact he prefers to live within the Axmaric colonial borders refusing to call himself Somali. He want to call himself Ogadeen  and to call  what was known as western Somalia as Kililka simply to obliterate the name Somali from his books.

    soolboy @ 2/8/2012 10:44 PM EST
 The Isaak clan aka ”Somaliland” are under the influence of the drunk idea Somalidiid, , you will only find them  snm/Idoor triangle burco, hargaysa and hell.

Those who dreaming about borders are under the influence of Murqaan, and drunk.
    arbe @ 2/8/2012 10:08 PM EST
 Indeed Somaliland borders are and will forever be unalterable and anybody who lives within these borders should be a loyal Somalilander or should cross over and remember your negative comments and incoherent ramblings will change nothing. Long live Somaliland.  
    biyo-kulule @ 2/8/2012 6:08 PM EST

Well done brother.. Let them cry whenever a tittle about SL appears on here.


sxb wax badan baa kaa khaldan waayo, waxaad aaminsantahay in Gumayste ina kala qaybiyey. Sidaa maaha. Waayo ka hor intaan Gumayste inoo iman amaba 1884 markii dhulka soomalidu degto la kala qaysanayey ma jirin wax Somali ka dhexeeyey oo ay wada lahayd. Waxaynu ahayn dad iskood u nool oo aan wax, haba yaraatee, ka dhexeeyaa jirin. Sidaa darateed qaddiyadda SL way ka saxsantahay dhamman ama badiba xuduudadaha maanta ka jira adduunka ee la aqooonsayahay. Su'aasha aan ku weydiinayaa waxaa weeye : what about Killil five of Ethiopia? what abour NFD? what about Djoubouti? are you claiming them as beeing Somali territory?  
    secular @ 2/8/2012 12:45 PM EST
Non e' da gentiluomo dire parolacce, che per altro sono in pochi a comprendere in questo forum!
(it's not gentlemanly to utter obscenities in a language few people in this forum can understand)!
SNM's foolish tribal agenda can have only one inevitable end: Just wait for the .... curtain call and be patient (& polite!)
    Simansime @ 2/8/2012 11:04 AM EST
 I heard Siilaanyo will be participating the famous upcoming London Conference and the rate things are going he may become the next President of Somalia. This man is no fool and he finally sensed that the secession dream had become unrealizable. The last nail in the coffin of Somaliland is called Khaatumo.
    soomaalidoonka @ 2/7/2012 9:57 PM EST
 Che cazzo. Voi traditori SNM stupidi zitto!
    Stickorcarrot @ 2/7/2012 4:46 PM EST
All you need is to lie to yourself enough, and eventually
you will quote your own lies as a fact. That is what this guy
is doing. Listen, there will never be SL in Somalia. The sooner
you accept that reality the better. You can listen to your own
drum. I listened on Waagacusub last week one of the elders
in Hargeisa saying “We have been in a container for the last 21 years” lol
I laughed so much I spilled my hot tea. There are at least some people
who see the reality. Lies after lies. They are so worried in Hargeisa now
that S. Somalia is in transition and their killer boys are coming home to
do their dirty work.
    abdiqadan @ 2/7/2012 6:18 AM EST
 All of those who commented on the article are the usual suspects - fiqicigal, Soolboy...... Please stop being obssessed with Somaliland and think about how to bring peace and stability to the very Somalia that you are advocating for. You are spending far too much energy on some thing that you have no influence on. Somaliland is gone and it won't come back. Period.
    Faisalroyal @ 2/6/2012 11:15 PM EST
  The way I see it, the tide is against Isaaq people.
Feeling the heat and international pressure to go to London and be part of the Somali issue.

The weird thing is, the writer claims the Somaliland got her boader line from Britain.
And it is Britain that wants Isaaq family to be realistic and come to the Landon Conference.
Britain gave you line so as to divide and rule Africa and that was colonial period.
Britain knows a lot of what she did during colonial time was against the will of the inhabitant of the land it occupied.

Therefore, stop wailing. All most every clan in Somalia had slap on the face by the previous regime.
And no other clan wants to run away from the Somali mother excetp Isaaq ppl.
And no international government wants run away kid.  
    soolboy @ 2/6/2012 5:45 PM EST
 yow snm/idoor ur fake dream is dead
    somstar @ 2/6/2012 5:39 PM EST
 At the coast of Kenya there is a movement called the Republic party that is asking for seperate state for the coastal region of Kenya..for Africa and the world to accept the argument put forward by our 'learned friend' will mean opening pandora box where every clan that feels grieved will ask for a separate state..and the first casualty will be Ethiopia no wonder with their endless trips to Addis the so called Somaliland leaders have failed in their mission. As for the comment by Sonofsomalia the reason Somalia still exist after the 21 years of destruction is because its exists in our minds and hearts and it will forever be in our hearts. As for the kind of Ibrahim I will only say its impossible to win an argument with a fool.
    jsoomane @ 2/6/2012 5:01 PM EST
 Horaa loo yiri "nineey meeli u caddahay meeli ka madow"

War heedhe isticmaarku markuu imaanayey ma wuxuu guntiga ku
watey mirihii laga abuuri lahaa jinsiga Soomaalida oo uu
sidaa ugu beeray dhulka Soomaalida dabadeedna kala qaybiyey oo
uu xudduudo u kala sameeyey. Mise Soomaali jirta oo ku baahsan
dhul iyada u gaar ah ayuu kibir iyo xoog ku yimid.  Jawaabta adigoo u jeeda
ayaad hareer martay oo meeshaad oran lahayd jirtaankaa hore ayaa
muqadas ah ayaad shirka barqa cad la soo istaagtay maya ee
istacmaarku eelkii uu reebay ayaa muqaddas ah. "Ayax teg eelna
reeb" ayaan maqli jirey. Mase moodeeyn in "eelku" noqon karo aqoonyahan

Eelkii uu reebay isticmaarku ayeey weli la taahayaan ummado farabadan
oo dunida ku baahsan. Farsamada xudduudaha ee isticmaarku tiisa ku
qunsaday welin ku qunsanayo waxaa hore looga yiri "HAL XAARAAN AHI NIRIG

No matter how hard you try and how much ink you spill, you will never be
able to legitimize the actions of colonial powers.  Doodo badan oo ku wajahan
gooni isu taagga woqooyi-galbeedka Soomaaliya waan akhriyey waloow aanan waafaqin
haddana ixtiraam baan u hayaa, laakiin boog hore u bogsan weeydey ayuu
ayuu Gaagaale dab ku sii dhejiyey.

    sonofsomalia @ 2/6/2012 1:41 PM EST
 Well put fiqicigaal, I am doing a paper on the effect of education on older Somali generation, early findings indicates a trend, where highly educated somalis demostrate critical loss of intelligence. Hypothesis is that more they study, the more their premordial and emotional brain takes their faculty.
    fiqicigaal @ 2/6/2012 12:56 PM EST
 Mr Gagale,

It is unfortunate to see an educated man behaving like a caveman fighting for a cave than a country called Somalia.

To be exact, it is only those who have xenophobic tendency that are stuck to colonial borders which are not relevant to any independent country any more.

We have to move on as a nation and there should not be border caves in our land we have passed the caveman mentality when every cave man used to dig his/her own cave for safety and shelter. We live in cities and towns, in settlements and in villages, and the world is moving fast, we need to catch up and not to claim tribal enclaves that will only create division and dispute.

    secular @ 2/6/2012 12:32 PM EST
 Mr Gagale!
A proud descendent of a former British-Subject, I presume!
You should better find another convincing "fairy tale", instead of bringing on the table such an absurd "proof" that colonial power's scheme of dividing and ruling people is sacred!
Your clan doesn't want Somaliweyn? Fine! Sool, Sanaag and Awdal want Somaliweyn and that's fine too!
On the other hand, why should anyone accept the fact that "the predominant clan's militia has the unalienable right to enforce" clan on clan hegemony?
Keep also in mind that uncountable Somalilanders have their fair share of blame in what went wrong in Somalia from 1960 to this day and you are dispensing selective amnesties, while at same time "crying WOLF"!
You can't expect intelligent people to accept your trivial grievances  as genuine claims with merit!
Sorry, Pal!

    badiyoberi @ 2/6/2012 10:49 AM EST
 Ibrahim walaal, there are a couple of assumption in your essay. I will point out just two: 1) Borders drawn by the colonial forces were right thus we should not alter them, 2) Somalis have not resisted the colonial forces when they invaded the country and were “cool” with the colonial projects of dismembering the Somali people into 5 areas and even giving some of their land to other countries. I thought it is worth highlighting these assumptions.

And I am sure you are aware of the fact the most of the conflicts or disputes between countries in the world today are over borders. That shows you their inherent faultiness! Mind you, the same colonial forces continue to redraw borders whenever it serves them and readily provide reasons as to why they did it.  Those are often strategic, economic and political reasons but the average person will be told completely different reasons.

Lastly, I wonder why Britain has not yet recognized “Somaliland”.
    sonofsomalia @ 2/6/2012 10:48 AM EST
 Looks like the 4 day (Jun 26-Jul 1) republic supporters are on all out mission. The only undeniable fact is the Somali republic which existed for 30 years and continues to existing on paper and in our minds.  
    kismayoman @ 2/6/2012 5:07 AM EST
 Seems to me this guy wrote this while under the influence of Marqaan. Forget about this small village, clannish, outdated idea of dismembering the country. It is impossible. Legally for separation to happen which is very unlikely you need a referendum from Rascasayr to Raskiamboni. I assure you 99.% would reject the idea of dismembering the country along clan lines.  
    soolboy @ 2/6/2012 2:56 AM EST
 The drunk idea Of the so called somaliland is Isaaq project..Isaq borders are within SNM triangle burco, hargaysa and barbara...

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