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    @ 1/28/2015 5:49 PM EST
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    fiqicigaal @ 9/13/2013 9:07 AM EST

Point taken. As for Uluso and his bias and ever confusing articles I would say 'The devil is in the details'.  
    abunael @ 9/11/2013 2:31 PM EST
 No one should be annoyed when brother Mohamud writes an
article. We must be respectful to each other at all times.
I am sick and tired when we resort to clanism. We must unite
and move forward and leave the past as history. Somalia
is a great country with enough resources for all.
Mr Mohamud never mentioned any clan in his writings and we
should refrain attacking him on clan lines.
    baghdad bob @ 9/7/2013 1:36 AM EST
 Everything looks good to us from kenyan perspective, we have our little woof woof doing our work and he is for sure doing the right thing. in the meantime we are in control of southern somalia of which we must if kenya has to stay in peace
    fiqicigaal @ 9/6/2013 11:16 AM EST
 One more thing.

Juba Land must practice what it preaches- To construct more inclusive administration and make Juba land a safe place in which no one is left out.

The government should fear the people and not vice versa because as we all know when the people fear the government there is tyranny but when the government fears the people there is justice-   It should respect the constitution.

    topclan @ 9/6/2013 11:04 AM EST
 Dayib Atto

Surely the best litmus test must be if Faroole is unhappy then it must be good for Somalia.
    topclan @ 9/6/2013 10:55 AM EST
 I think the Somali parliament has a role to play in reconciliation and bringing the country together. Parliament is the most powerful organ in any society, they represent the people and make laws on their behalf.Why are foreign countries mediating between FGS and locals when parliament is the natural mediator between the people and their government?

Any major local decision must have a national approval and any major national decision must have a local approval. That is the check and balance of Federalism.

We must find national mediators or we will always have our enemies interfering in our national affairs.Parliament is the obvious one but it's not doing anything at the moment. There is also the elders and the youth.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/6/2013 9:36 AM EST

I do understand your concerns but It depends how you look at the situation and what has been achieved so far at least in writing.

Every one is a winner depending how one interprets it. In this case both parties somehow cooperated and thus benefited instead of creating a winner and a loser, here both the DFS and Juba land gain more or less what they bargained for at least in the short term. Implementing the agreement is another story and hopefully we live to see it happen but  let us cross our fingers that  the rights of the people are respected and upheld.

To me, in the beginning the DFS was more interested in saving face than being honest and wanting to reach valid deal with Juba land, but the international community wouldn’t allow it play its usual cat and mouse s*lly game. They literally forced both parties to make trade offs across issues in order for both parties to be satisfied with the outcome whether they liked it or not.

    Mahare_Is_Here @ 9/6/2013 4:52 AM EST

With all respect, I don't "YET" think everyone is a winner as you put in. Let us not jump to a possitive conclusion and watch and see the end result. It's not what I fully expected Jubaland to be, but I think it's one step forward.
Somalia is a federal and I'm strong beleiver in Federalism and the federal system believing that the only way forward for somali unity.
The Jubaland agreement doesn't support the federal system and can be clasified as a base for future central government.
It's a compromise for the time been but after two years, unless people in Juba come over many hazards and Mugdisho has two years to put more fl4me from every corner, it will be h4rder to build a viable state..

So I will keep my optimism for further two years!!!
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 9/6/2013 4:13 AM EST
 I read nine previous articles from Uluso earlier and I was dissapointed in everyone of them. That is 100% of his articles were missing substances, intellect and most of all filled with abvious dispair against others.
Now without reading this article, I can say the obvious contents he will write, and stop me if I'm wrong, in this particular article.

1. Blame on naighboring countries.
2. Blame other clans than his own.
3. Propading strong central government.
4. Crying for fake nationalism.
5. portraying the federal government and Jubaland government as foriegn agenda.

I think, stop reading his articles saved me time but if in anycase, I'm off the topic please feel free to stop me!!!!
    Shukulle @ 9/5/2013 2:29 PM EST
 Mr. Ulusow is oppsessed with JubaLand. Masawirkiisa waxaa u maleysaa ineey Mwai Kibaki walaalo yihiin.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/5/2013 1:20 PM EST
 Every one is a winner except those who flourish and benefit from wearing  lawlessness and anarchy as a badge of honour.
Viva Somalia, Viva Juba land !!!!!
    fiqicigaal @ 9/5/2013 1:18 PM EST
 Needless to say, the agreement between the DFS and Juba land is the best thing that has ever happened since this government came to office and it will pave the way to peace, stability and development for the region in particular and for Somalia in general.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/5/2013 1:16 PM EST
 Uluso is deep in mourning and this article is his way of expressing grieve and sorrow for the death of mafia lies and their deceitful plan that was to take Somalia back to 1991.

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