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    rasimaal @ 7/12/2015 4:22 PM EST
 Farhiya, it is true Somalia needs men and women to rebuild, the rest of your argument is just nothing but lies quoting white activists don't make you right in fact that is what is wrong with your argument. first of all Somali men are known to respect their sisters ,secondly have you ever heard caraweelo, Xawo tako and garaad wiil waal stories .if you want gender equality in Somalia make it Somali driven not foreign agenda, politics is like any other business it rewards the risk takers not cowards Somali educated women need to go to Somalia and participate not sitting in foreign cities and narrating western point of view of on how to achieve gender equality.
    wiifgarow @ 7/12/2015 10:32 AM EST
 Women should stay well hidden, neither heard nor seen except by theiur husbands and muhrems. That si where we are going because of the Salafist wahabbist takeover of our once beautiful Islam. Somali women were far more powerful and far more influential and of course far freer in the 1950s than today. To me the real threat to the Somali race is not caln wars or al-Shabab or Kenya taking over our seas or the break up into parts etc. It si actually the complete destruction of the very foundations of our culture by Salfaism
    Zami @ 7/11/2015 9:14 PM EST
 Somali women have to work for change themselves. It's going to take alot of civic education back home to change the position of Somali women so they have more of a role in decision making for the nation. Only backwards extremists are against women having a say about they're own future in they're own country.

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