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    topclan @ 4/11/2015 8:00 PM EST
 The biggest political bloc in Somalia, the Somali Forum for Unity and Democracy, is not even mention here.

It shows either a lack of real understanding of what is happening in Somalia or more likely a deliberate attempt to select the key political players that would suit the IC.

The Somali Forum for Unity and Democracy has so many members from all kinds of political persuasion who are united that Somalia is not hijacked by a single or IC who have their own interest in Somalia.

"While no system will be ideal for all parties – with the Somalia Federal Government and IFAs holding different views "

No, you don't, you will no longer silence the opinion of the majority of Somalis.

Somalis are not represented by SFG and IFAs, so stop trying to pretend like they represent the Somali public.

Who cares about what the corrupt the SFG and illegitimate IGAD IFA think?

There must some kind of election by the people if direct then indirect, for example, through PR vote.
    hadhuudh @ 4/10/2015 12:22 PM EST
 I think every somali must get a vote wherever they are even the diaspora. Also there must be adequate competition in terms of at least 5 parties competing and there should also be local election for the parties leading the regional governments.

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