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    @ 1/28/2015 5:53 PM EST
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    secular @ 3/30/2013 8:31 PM EST
War jiraaba cakaaru iman. Sadbursi iyo jajuub midna ma socondoono, masaafa dheer baana naga xigta goofka la isku haysto ragga aan faallo- wadaagga nahayna ninba daraf buu la jiraa, dhexdhexaadna waa fara ku tiris.
"Agah", "wah"' "hayaay" iyo "ba'a" kii lagu hadaaqaba Maryooley dharaar cad bay karbuuno ama tooj ceebahooda ku faarfaaraysaa!
    fiqicigaal @ 3/30/2013 5:42 PM EST
 ....waan ka xumahay in arinta lagu soo koobo Ahmed madoobe iyo dhowrka qof ee saxaafada u warama waayo dad badan oo ku siman Kismayo iyo deegaanada Juba land oo le waxgarad, culimaa u diin, saraakiil, cuqaal, ugaasyo, salaadin iyo bulsha fara badan oo sama ka talis ah ayaa u xeydan sidey u sameyn lahaayeyn maamul hufan oo loo dhanyahay laakiin nasiib daro aragii nactar hunguri qaaday ayaa raba iney arinta carqaladeeyaan laakiin weyfashilmi weyna fashilmeen oo qaskii iyo labkii ey wadeyn wey socon weyday hadana arintu gabagabo ayey taagan tahay si fiican oo somaalinimo iyo islaamnimo ku jirto ayey ku dhamaam.

wabilaahi towfiiq. Agah!
    fiqicigaal @ 3/30/2013 3:31 PM EST

Ugu yaraan laba jeer ayaa madaxda deegaanku safar wanaag ka talis ah lagu tagay Xamar safarkii ugu balaadhnaa waxaa hogaaminayay Prof. Gandhi si aan quruxsaneyn ayaa loola dhaqmay prfisoorka(my way or no way) dabadeed waxaa dhowr jeer oo kale dowlada loo fidiyay macsuumad si looga wada hadlo sidii xal looga gaadhi lahaa arinta Juba land nasiib daro kooxa ka mid ah dowlada ayaan ogoleyn in maamul ey sameystaan dadka deegaanka dagan ujeedada ey kaleeyihiina wali maanu garan laakiin waxaa noo muuqata ineysan diyaar u aheyn in nabad iyo xasilooni ey ka jirto Juba land hase ahaatee dadaalka loogu jiro maamul loo dhanyahay in la sameyo wuu soconaya waxaana muhiim ah dadka reer Juba land rabitaankooda ninkii hadlayaaba heyska hadlee Saaacid walaa cambaro faasaco cid warkooda maqleysa ayaa iska yar mar hadey samihii diideen.
    secular @ 3/29/2013 11:32 PM EST
Madoobe & Co. Ma laga waayey safar niyad sami ah in Xamar lagu gaaro?
Mise arrintu waa cabsi iyo " ma Ceel Dheeraan tagaa oo col igu jaraa?"
    secular @ 3/29/2013 11:13 PM EST
Fasax dheer ka qaado muranka Maryooley markaan is iraahdaba qolya kala gardaran oo golaha isku rifaya  wax ka dhihiddooda ayaa  i soo celisa.
Berisamaadkii ma joogin golahan, " Mee raggeedii?" haddii aan maqlayna waan garowsaday calaacalka  illeen " gadaal ka dumis  " qolya ku sifoobay ma yaree.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/29/2013 10:51 AM EST

Apparently there is no love lost between Saacid and reer Juba land and there are so many folks who want to strangle him or stab him on both eyes so he will not be sent as a messenger and not a mediator to Juba land any more. lol
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/29/2013 9:03 AM EST

Yeah, I remember when this forum was educational. That is
why I joined. But, like everything Somali, the only way to
go is down. BTW, welcome back.

Arey kaa indhaha farah ka gelinaya Sacid maadigaa ee "pink tie"
xiran? How come there was no kissing ceremony in Kismayo? lol


Those are not copy & paste. I can post the article too if
you want. But you get the idea!
    secular @ 3/29/2013 8:34 AM EST
 Nostalgic bunch of armchair warriors!
    fiqicigaal @ 3/29/2013 7:24 AM EST
 Stick, momo519,

Your below comments remind me of those good old days where persuasion and logic almost dictated the debate. Not anymore though, we have new comers and some old timers with moron*c and anti-social behaviour that are not fit to join adult Cyber community and that is why I miss the old folks like Gaadh-haye, Lamadage, saba, etc. What a pity and what a shame Hol, cannot separate the few bad apples from the rest the decent commentators and block their account, after all they are waste of space.  
    momo519 @ 3/28/2013 5:19 PM EST
sign of times, indeed! lol

The first entry doesn't say much about gender & I have no objection to it.

The second one, hmmm....Seems like cut, paste, & post. So reposted 'old HOL comments" are like reprinted email replies and cannot be used as real entries.

My original point is clear in an old comment here below:

{momo519  @  2009-03-18 12:20 PM EST  

Also, online identity is better when is a gender neutral.

Many Somalis will think that you are acting like a western if you are a man fighting for women's issues.

At the same time, many Somali men...like to denigrate women and do not take women's political views seriously.

I hope that readers to read my comments with objective mind and being a gender neutral serves that purpose.}

...that point still stands!
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/28/2013 3:26 PM EST

Never say never! Simple, tricky google search can do wonders.
sign of time perhaps? ;-)

momo519 @ 2008-05-13 11:24 AM EST
you envy the progress of our brothers and sisters in Somaliland? Leave 'em alone. I am from Mogadishu. I am grateful for the hospitality they have provided for my immediate family during the Puntland invasion in Mogadishu.

momo519 @ 2008-05-16 1:27 PM EST
Wadadkarunta, Fiqicigal, and Xinfinin,

What's the fuss? Is it too hard to ask God that he saves people in Somaliland from any future violance? Why would you be happy if Somaliland becomes like Somalia where muslims kill each other? I am a proud Somali man and wish every success for Somaliland. I don't see any benefit for Somalia if Somaliland destroys itself.
    Momo519 @ 3/28/2013 3:05 PM EST
Naaaah, I've never said directly or indirectly that I was a "man from blah blah blah".

I remember those days with 100+ comments and I've made my fair share of mistakes, but never gender.

Fiqi, Lamadage, Gaadhhaye, Nuunoow, Gacaliye, Somalipeace10, Hymo, and Saba are the few names I recall.

Facebook took over now & we ought to continue to voice our opinions.

They newbies will get to know us as quickly as they come.
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/28/2013 1:36 PM EST

I consider myself regular. The only older -in HOL year, Ids
I know are Fiqi, Diinow and B.B. You and I may have started
about the same time. I will celebrate my 7th b.day in August.
Happy B. DAY to me!

You may post as gender-neutral but I am sure my instinct
is right and you are sister. I do remember though you were
not always gender-neutral. I remember you posting once:

"I am a man from Mogadishu and I appreciate Somaliland
welcoming my people when Puntland invaded Mogadishu"
or something to that effect. Not exact words of course.
Back then each article used to get over 100 posts and
this place was in full force. Perhaps you were trying
to compete with the testosterone/clan driven men and the
mood was HOT those days.

That was back when ICU vs Yusuf (RIP) were at each other.
Ask Fiqi, he would say "Stick has elephant memory"
    Momo519 @ 3/28/2013 1:11 PM EST
My little 15 year old niece can write better than this guy.

This article is worse than Fadhi ku dirir; full of spelling & grammar errors.

It looks a high school or below level of writing!

Somali doctors!!!!

    Waamoking @ 3/28/2013 12:32 PM EST
 Good article but a bit naive. Some people specially those whose clan member is president act as if nothing has happened and that we can all go back to pre 1991 era when the country was one and the capital was Mogadishu , frankly that is wishful thinking and disingenuous . this opportunity did exist before USC marauding gangs embarked on their murderous campaign in 1991.
Trust is the issue in Somalia and a lot of people ignore this. Federalism is designed to counter this mistrust so that any group in power can't use the power of government to dominate the other.
There is already signs that the president's clan are abusing president's office by selling public property such as the embassy in Italy , naming ambassadors from exclusively from the clan and not mention the Olympic committee fiasco.
    Momo519 @ 3/28/2013 11:42 AM EST
Stick, ...lol!

I've always remained gender-neutral and never affiliated myself with one particular clan when commenting on HOL articles.

All the regulars know that about me.

...I am not gay, but I support equality in all its forms, including marriage equality.

    Stickorcarrot @ 3/28/2013 11:25 AM EST
 @ Momo AKA Moulan Moulid (Face book)

Horta waa i wareerisay aniga.

In nin reer Muqdisho ah aad tahay baad sheegan jirtay.
Hadana qoraalkaaga marka la akhriyo wuxuu u dhadhami jiray
qoraal gabareed. Haa I said "dhadhami" Sawirkaad FB sawir
gabdheed buu u eg yahay.

Maantana FB avatarkii waad bedeshay in solidarity with
"gay & Lesbian" case @ the supreme court. Markaa maad
golaha u hadashid oo runta sheegtid? Hadda laga bilaabo
hadee meel uun baan kugu darayaa anigu ;-)
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/28/2013 11:21 AM EST
 Soomaalida waxaan waydiinayaa.

Puntland yaa ka taliya? Qof reer Hargaysa ama reer Beletwayne
ahi xukun ma ka hayaa?

Hargeisa yaa ka taliya? Qof reer Gaal kacyo ah xukun ma ka
ka hayaa?

Muqdisho maxay ahayd? Meel Soomaali wada lahayd soo maahayn?
Maanta Soomaali ma joogtaa? Tusaale ha u soo qaadan 2 wasiir
ama laba agaasime. Dowladdii Soomaaliyeed oo dhan bay sal
u tahay. Yaa jooga?

Soomaalidu waxaan filayaa wax "practical" maanta ah ayay
rabaan in la qariyo. Soomaali ha la isu soo celiyo laysku
raac sideese laysugu soo celiyaa weli run loogama hadlin.
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/28/2013 11:17 AM EST
 Markii Sheekh Shariif habaaray Aamin Caamir ee Shariif
Indhocada amaanay shariif wuxuu ku yiri "Ama macalin
dugsigaagii ku noqo ama adkaysan u lahaa dacaayada
siyaasadda la socda" Markaa ma fikirkii hore ayaa is
bedelay mise wuxuu inoo sheegayaa wax aan "federalism"
ahayn oo maanta lagu hanan karo fikirkii uu horay ugu
doodi jiray.
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/28/2013 11:14 AM EST
 Malah HOL Soomaali bay rabtaa in wax lagu qoro.

Wuxuu ku doodayay in dadka "localka" ah loo daayo inay
dhulkooda ka taliyaan. Markii Indhocade ku wareejiyay
ICU shabeelaha hoose beerta Al-an-ahyaan wuxuu ugu
yeeray "farce."
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/28/2013 11:12 AM EST
 Markii iigu dambaysay ee aan akhriyo qoraal odaygaani leeyahay
wuxuu ka cabanayay ragga "xaaraanta ku joogay" shabeelaha
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/28/2013 11:09 AM EST

Areey xaa dhacay beryahan ma siyaasadayda aa ka soo hor jeesateen?
    fiqicigaal @ 3/28/2013 7:02 AM EST
 .....If I may  sum up my understanding of the article,  Dr. Fiqi  is telling us that he has a plan. It is called blackmail. Federalism in Somalia is gaining momentum and the people are exited about the change that may benefit them.  Either the government appoints him minister of finance, or he will make federalism seen like a failure that will ultimately bring the federal government down and may lead to anarchy. Hahahahaha!!! In your dreams, I say.

    fiqicigaal @ 3/28/2013 6:30 AM EST
 Where do you put the writer after reading his article? Does he sound like a patriot or is he a nationalist? Or is he barking mad from another galaxy with a very bad plan that admits of no modification but takes us back to square one?

    Pis @ 3/27/2013 9:28 PM EST
 Bruhahaha nationalism clothed in centralism! What punch of Ball Crap! If people are not allowed to build governance on their own terms and means of leadership through community owned system via FEDERALISM, will populism and phony nationalis drum-beat of centralism bring Somalia together after what happened in more than 2 decades of mistrust? The DR. Is out of touch  by raising this kind of anti-peace-building hypes.
    Nuunow @ 3/27/2013 12:36 PM EST
 "Ethiopia deeply understands that there are Somali tribes that would rather chose Ethiopia over other Somali tribes; .."

I wonder why ....
    somalipeace10 @ 3/27/2013 3:03 AM EST
 Excellent article. The writer discusses many important issues with honesty and passion. Thank you

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