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    @ 1/28/2015 5:47 PM EST
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    Dhugtame @ 11/3/2014 2:17 AM EST
 Ignorance of history is the number one illness of Waloweyn . As the writer put it, there was no "Northern Somalia", Somalia was the proper name of today's Somalia  and has nothing to do with Somaliland. Historically the Italians put an "a" at the end of Somali to rhyme with Italia. After the independence of Somaliland from Britain and, followed by Somalia's independence from Italy the two merged and formed The Somali Republic and not Somalia. That Union failed and these are now two independent countries and can not be put together wishf.ully.
    somalipeople1 @ 11/2/2014 7:21 PM EST
 Great article Mahad Wasuge!! May allah help us to revive our economy. And to become
a nation of riba less banking. The issuing of money is done by private banks and organizations in
a lot of countries. These private banks and institutions like the federal reserve in the united states of america issue the money and then borrow the money to
the government so the shacab is directly in debt. This riba economy is the western style of monetary policy and is xaram and unequal.
this system puts a whole country on debt and obligates this country to make profit (wich means grow as a economy). You cant grow forever this means
the banks have an absolute power over the government. The issuing/printing of money is now done by private people in Somalia. This needs to be changed immediately
the central bank needs to retake that. Also we need to be vey carefull with our central bank and protect it from other groups and dont let riba be brought to our system.
It is a wise idea to promote the somali shiling. The somali shiling is dying. So obligating the mobile banking system to work only with the somali shiling would encourage our currency.

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