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    Jj @ 1/9/2013 9:35 AM EST
 Am I including this offer after 27 years exile and seven western countries and three passports ? I wish to go back there but let to wait a few more years what Hasaan and his team
    Caato_Xoogleh @ 1/8/2013 3:29 PM EST
 This guy is irresponsible and he is not qualified for the job he has taken. He seems not to know crises Somali people are facing in countries like Kenya and many other countries. He has never visited any of his people suffering in Kenya and Ethiopia refugee camps right across the border.  The people he is inviting are mostly women and children who have lost everything they owned in Somalia. They have nothing to go back to except empty land.  
Somalia is not ready to take back it‘s people, what is his plan?  Did he lay down a plan on how he wants to do this?  I don’t think so…. He does not have the qualities of true leader. He doesn’t how the world works. We need a true leader/
As a leader of his people why can’t he use diplomacy and politics and take this issue to the UN and to the world to help relocate his people?  UN collects enough money from the world to help this people and that same money can be used to relocate and give families a loan or a kick start so they can live a decent life.
    mercano @ 1/8/2013 2:24 PM EST
 Najiib, well said brother. dadkii ku barakacsanaa aa agtaada lagu kufsanooyaa, markaasaa leedahay kuwii kale soo noqdo, adiga maa noolka ka bixihaayo?
    mercano @ 1/8/2013 2:22 PM EST
 Ibrahim Shuriye, Jilib iyo jammaame xaa kaa yaal, mushaakilkaba meeshaad ka bikawdeen, dhul Bimaal dambe haddaa isku timaadaan iska jira, sawaaxiligiin hoosta uga jura ama guri iyo halkoo ceel ku noqda, inkaaraa idin haaystatee, geedihii dhan waa naga mulfiseen, diintii waa bilalaqeysateen, horre nooo moodaan idin leenahay

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