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    Topclan @ 9/7/2016 7:01 PM EST

Shane on you!!!

You would wish good luck to Trump and Hitler too, Si suppose.
    Topclan @ 9/7/2016 6:59 PM EST
 One has to wonder what's behind this sudden and unexpected action by the SFG to ban flights carrying Khat from entering Somalia.

There's no explanation for the ban and it is only temporary.

By not giving any reason for the ban and saying it's only temporary, this looks like it was made on the spot and it isn't really Somali government policy.

The question is why would this happen now at this particular juncture?

My first thought was that it involved the s/election and that Hassan Sheikh was not happy with Kenya.

One has to remember that this is the first time the SFG has flexed its muscles when dealing with our neighbours.

The wording of the statement by the government was so strong that it had the air of a threat if Kenya didn't heed the warning and respect the ban.

One has to understand that this type of ban is a retaliatory tactic used by states when they feel wronged by another state or other foreign entities.

The question is what has Kenya done to force the SFG to act this way?

The question is not what Kenya did against Somalia, but what it did against  Somali leaders,especially the president.

Kenya did many terrible to Somalia and Somalis but the SFG did pretty much nothing about it and instead Somali leaders continued to kiss Kenyata's ring.

It confirms, if any were need, the believe by many Somali intellectuals that Somali leaders feign inferiority and claim to be under the control of powerful foreign entities in order to avoid accountability from Somali public.

Two actions by the SFG in recent weeks have well and truly debunked the theory of Somalia being under the control of power foreign entities: The term extension of the SFG and Federal Parliament and this ban.

The SFG took two days to come up with an explanation for the Khat ban and what did it come up with? A small town official questioning Somalia's territorial integrity.

I am sorry but this is not good enough reason.  Kenya must have done something which has angered Somali leaders so much, especially the president, for the SFG to take this unprecedented action.

Somali has a political cartel and they're all about  protecting themselves, not he nation.

Somali leaders only act tough when their political cartel is under threat because Somali politics is only about making money and buying property by bribery and stealing public as well as private wealth.

I dare you to tell me I am lying. This is the truth. An absolute fact.

Somali political has attracted international cartel.

Somali presidential candidates are getting money from foreign governments in order to win the s/election.  

The election is getting more and more expensive and what do you think it means when they get so much money?

It means either they pay back the money they owe by stealing public money or they give them something they want from Somalia.

The only to save Somalia is to fight Somalia's political cartel.  I will not say it's easy but it's a battle we must wage and we must win.
    Nuunow @ 9/7/2016 1:39 PM EST
Good luck Mr. Sharmarke - one of the few bourgeois patriots!

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