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    wiifgarow @ 10/26/2014 11:37 AM EST
 Well said Nabatoon. we need to show some respect and gratitude to the nations that hosted us, protected us, housed us, treated our sick, educated our children and gave us a degree of dignity denied to us by our own people. That si why I am offended when I see Somalis making demands, insulting our host, or worse of all spawning terrorists who wish to blow them up! How swish is that?
    nabat-doon @ 10/25/2014 3:33 PM EST
 aabsolutely she is 100% right, we as muslim if we have an issues about the food, why don't we follow the proper channels to address this matter instead of going in front of media. That was a brilliant idea, we have to stop demand more instead we have learn how to thank  
    hiomar @ 10/24/2014 7:53 PM EST
 Shaqo taga iska daaya caydhan iyo beryadan badan. shaqo raadsada oo iska daaya wefarekan xaaraanta ah  
    Ahmed Kismanyo @ 10/24/2014 7:48 PM EST
 Bosnian qamriga iyo  qaanziirka macsfiyaan
    sayidcalawi1 @ 10/24/2014 5:38 PM EST
 To think this is news and take the time to write “a Muslim woman’s Facebook post went viral” Is obscure and unjournalism. I am sure there are two sides to this story. This Organization on behalf of the Muslim community might have asked (not demand) as the writer wants us to believe, to have Islamic dietary for the Muslim Community and they have a right religiously and per law of the land. As for my Muslim sister who has been in the US “over two decade”, remember 1, as a tax payer and part of the contributor you have a right to ask whats best for your religion and 2,  the honor is for Allah who gave you the rizq (what was written for you to have in this world) through them.
    wiifgarow @ 10/24/2014 9:41 AM EST
 HGoing to food bnanks in the richest country on earth is a despicable and dishonourable act of ignobility. So I have no time or respect for Somaliskl who go to food banks full stop. And then to actually demand Halal handout is just beyond the plae. These people have no word for honour.

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