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    wiifgarow @ 2/22/2014 8:33 AM EST
 Hardly news that middle cadre that holds country nations states and makes ticking is lacking in Somalia. It si even worse in Somaliland whetre unlike Somalila, the middle ranks were delibreatly trargeted and systematically elimintaed from the 70s onwards by the Siyad Barre regime. Just look at the names of the 47 who had their throats cut on Gezira beach in July 1988 and it gives an idae of who was been targetted in every town and village across Somaliland. No replacements were trained since so if you go into a government building in somaliland today, you are likely to finfd a khat-stained, semi-literate, grumpy little moron with absolutely no idea that he is supposed to a 'servant' of the people.
    Momo519 @ 2/21/2014 1:32 AM EST

Well done.

Here are few constructive criticisms:

The notion that private employees are better than public employees is a worldwide phenomena & isn't unique to Somalia only.

If you have have a higher degree, why settle with low ranking jobs when you know those in higher positions have lower education?

I don't fault young people for aiming high &!want to study anything but policing.

Your current Mogadishu experience won't be that much different than the Siyad Barre Mogadishu or even any other third world capital.

Having said all that, I understand your vision for better Somalia & I sincerely hope we get there sooner rather than later.

    nuun @ 2/19/2014 2:55 PM EST
Ah it was you. Thanks for the suggestion.
    Sacomaale @ 2/19/2014 12:03 PM EST
 Nour Omar: Nuun

Aniguu ahaa ninkii comment-ka ka bixiyay, kuguna dhiirigeliyay in aad sii balaariso hawshaada. Runtii aad baad u taabatay waxyaalihii aad dalka ku soo aragtay iyo meesha arinku ka qurunsanyahay. Soomaali hadaan nahay inteeda badan waan ognahay xaalku sida uu yahay, laakiin waxaa loo baahan yahay in qalinka la qaato oo la challenge gareeyo dadka Nairobi lacagta ku cunaayaa ee ay dantu ugu jirto burburka iyo baaba'a Soomaalida ee iska dhigaya inay wax ka yaqaanaan ama expert ku yihiin arimaha Soomaalida. Markaa fikraddaha fiican sida tan Nour Omar/Nuun waxay wax ka tari doontaa in arimaha dhan kale laga eego halkii guriga dhisidiisa saqafka laga bilaabi lahaana, sida xaalka Soomaaliya yahay laga bilaabo in laga soo dhiso foundation-ka.  
    Nuunow @ 2/19/2014 9:45 AM EST

Thanks for the clarification.


I think we're on the same page.
    Nuun @ 2/19/2014 9:37 AM EST
 As somebody noticed, the article is developed from a comment I made couple of days back. One commenter on the same page suggested  I share the comment more widely. So, I edited a bit and sent to HOL.
I thank HOL for posting it. I also thank the readers and commenters. I'm hoping the observation in the article will reach somebody with the capacity to make changes on the ground. I know it is going to be long process but the first thing in solving a problem is recognizing the problem and giving the priority it deserves.

Nuunow & Somalipeace
I'm not saying the people with degrees should always start from the bottom. Indeed, in a normal situations, an employer should consider skills, education and expertise when placing an employee. But if your purpose of going to Somalia is to contribute or make a difference, as most of the people claim, then they should not be only looking at few known positions at the top. They should be ready to make their impact at the low and middle level. After all, a house rotten at the bottom cannot be inhabited no matter what material you put at the top.
It is possible that someone with higher qualification will end up under someobody with less qualifications and this happens even in the developed world.  
On the other hand, the goverment needs to recruit qualified and ambitious Somalis no matter where they live. Al-shabaab recruited couple of dozen young people from diaspora and it  paid-off for al-shabaab as they became the deadliest and most dedicated members of Shabaab.
Goverment can send their own recruiters to Minneapolis, Toronto and London and I'm certain it will pay off. There are other goverments who actively recruite from  their diaspora communities actively such as Israel. Somalia can do the same.

Thank you,
    topclan @ 2/19/2014 9:13 AM EST
 When you have a low quality leadership at the top you can't expect to have it in the middle and bottom. As the Americans have said Somalia has weak leadership and until that changes nothing will improve.

The government must be ambitious, make difficult decisions, face challenges head on not avoid it, have a long term stategy and not look for a short gain and must defend better its soverei$gnty, territorial integrety and political independence.

Even if it is true that Somalia lacks good low/middle rank officers it is no excuse for the incompetents and corruption at the of government.
    somalipeace10 @ 2/19/2014 3:58 AM EST
You cannot blame the so-called "educated" ones to seek higher position such like ministers and ambassadors. If all the ministers, vice ministers, director generals and all above them are people with little knowledge and experience, how can you expect someone with real education to work under the. For example, if the minister of ministry x was a taxi-driver or cleaner, his vice minister a former warlord with no qualification, the director general a former militia leader, how can you reasonable expect someone with a Masters degree or higher to work under them. That educated person has more right to seek higher position than the current people who are given higher positions. I also think the so-called educated who go to Somalia to seek position are mostly not good educated after all.
    somalipeace10 @ 2/19/2014 3:49 AM EST
 The article discussed a very important issue which is often neglected , and if not urgently addressed will keep Somalia at the bottom of the pile of failed states. The obvious difference between the private sector and government employees is the way they recruit. The private sector recruit their employers including managers on merit, i.e qualifications, experience and integrity. In contrast, the government employ the employable ones. The government should make an independent commission responsible for all government employees below ministers. The task of that commission must be to identify the needs of different agencies and then recruit. There are lot of people , particularly form the diaspora, who have false degrees.
    Nuunow @ 2/19/2014 3:06 AM EST
 Nour Omar,

You said yourself that all "educated" people want to start from the top. Then why are you surpised that the "low" level jobs/positions of the government are filled with unqualified or low-skilled people? Somebody's gotta do it.

People with "supposedly" higher education don't want low-level jobs and the government don't want (and shouldn't) pay a rookie the salary of experienced and highly qualified person — that's where the problem lies. To be a good professional and successful (or shall I say: "rule the roost"), one needs to be humble and work hard by starting from low-level jobs and trying to advance from there to the top. For instance, one of my university professors was doing very low-level jobs while studying for his PhD, and now he is one of the highly respected professors - deservedly!

Somaalida hore ayaa waxeey oran jireen: "Ninkaasu waa muruq maal" ama "Dhib dabadii beey dheef timaadaa"

That is exactly what we need - a mentality change!

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