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    wiifgarow @ 2/19/2017 10:21 AM EST
 So what are you basing your 90% on? Any evidence will be appeciated. "Everybody knwos" or "I know" are not commonly accepted forms of evidence
    wiifgarow @ 2/19/2017 10:19 AM EST
 We know another group of dhulos are Darodists who favour Puntland. why shouldnt they? The Majeerteen are fellow Darods. Again we dont know the numbers but they were influential enough in Buhotle at least to force Cali Galaydh to travel by land to Hargeisa after denying a flight from the airport.
    wiifgarow @ 2/19/2017 10:17 AM EST
 Neither I nor you nor anyone else knows their numbers. No one has done a Poll. What we do know is that they are substantail - thousands of Dhulos soldiesr and officer fought for Somalialnd in battles against the former SSC group. I knwo the figures because the battalions and their numbers are matter of record. We know other Dhulos registered with all the three main parties of democratic Somaliland. TBC
    wiifgarow @ 2/19/2017 10:14 AM EST

Since when did you become a speaker for the Dhulbahante and where on earth did you get your 90% from. The reality as we know it, is that some dhulbahantes are die-hard somalialnders. We know this because they say so in words in action..TBC
    stickorcarrot @ 2/15/2017 10:10 PM EST

Oday dhaqameed waqtigiisii waa dhamaaday. Soomaali maanta waxay u baahantahay dad aqoon iyo garasho leh ka duwan midda halkaa ina dhigtay oo ah mid ay bud-dhig u yihiin kaabe qabiil iyo kuwo aan caqligoodu dhaafsanayn reerka iyo tola'ayeey. Soomaaliya maanta Farmaajo oo kale iyo intii la caqli ah baa looga fadhiyaa inay hogaanka qabtaan. Cali Khaliifna, hadalkii maalintii dhowayd uu Jabuuti ka yiri iyo faciladdiis beryahan ayaa ka dhigay mid aan matalin rabitaanka dadka uu magacooda ku doodayo. Af ku geesi ahaayaa iyo laba dhacleeyaaba, maanta maaha nin reer Khaatumo ay u arkaan inuu wado fiican hayo. Soomaali maanta maalin xalkeedu ka dhow yahay ma jirto.
    stickorcarrot @ 2/15/2017 10:03 PM EST

Qabiil Soomaaliyeed lama odhan karo maxay u midoobi waayeen. Haddii aad shacabka Dhulbahante waydiiso waxay aaminsanyihiin waxaa hubaal ah boqolkiiba 90 inay aaminsanyihiin Soomaali mid ah oo isku tashata. 10ka kale waa niman fikirkoodu xukumo wixii jeebkooda soo gala iyo inayar oo iyaga ku hoos nool. Soomaaliland wax la yiraahdo ma aaminsanin, wax Puntland la yiraahdo ma aaminsanin. Khaatumo macnaheedu waa in reerka fikirkooda la mideeyo oo la cadeeyo in labada maamul qabiil ee ay ku dhex jiraan midna inayna matalin. Maalinta taasi ay dhamaato Khaatumo hadafkeedii waa gaartay waana la laalaabayaa. Soomaali mid ah oo qabiil aan ku salaysnayn, qadarin gumaysi raadkiisna aan ku salaysnayn weeye waxaa reer SSC ay raadinayaan.
    topclan @ 2/14/2017 7:11 PM EST
 Ssc Somalia

I like Cali Khalif Galeyr, he is not scared to say what he really thinks, but he is not a good politician.

I like politicians who have consistent principles and pursue consistent goals.

Galeyr seems, to me, to lack that and that's why he keeps failing to find any lasting achievement.

Why can't Dhulbahanto unite and have one voice?

There's a lot of politics going with politicians going to different sides and dividing Dhulbahanto and thus making you weak.

It's time to stop the politics and get your clan elders together in one place and let come up with a decision about what they want.
    topclan @ 2/14/2017 7:02 PM EST
 As I thought, the SFG had a hand in the agreement between and Somaliland. That is the only reason they would even announce it.

Farmaajo must demand to see the real agreement the UAE has signed with the SFG and then call it null and void.

We knew Somali leaders in the south were thieves, but this deal shows that those are thieves too.

Cirro is right the military base agreement will not do much good for Somaliland and I don't understand why they even think it's a good idea.

They're not even giving Somaliland lots of money for it.

The WPO deal I can understand, granted that it respects Somalia's sovereignty and benefits Somalia, especially Somaliland.
    wiifgarow @ 2/13/2017 12:29 PM EST
 The truly intriguing question si why somalialnd decide to strengthen Khatumo when it was claerly dead in the water? Some say it is only beacuse Silanyo is an old friend of Galeyr and could not seeing him humiliated. Othesr see a conspiracy of some sort(there is alwys a conspiracy in anything somali realted). But it is a genuien mystery why Hargeisa decided to revive a still-born Khatumo. Maybe we will never find out

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