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    dabshaan @ 5/20/2016 9:04 PM EST
 fadro iyo dulmi hadii wax lagu dhiso kawarama? taasi waan aragnay. qaain wadan faaido maleeyahay? sow kuwa qurbaha kudhexwaashay. Labo wajiilaha malafahmi karaa? sharaf iyo karamo kumaleh labada daarood(Adduun iyo Aakhiro) shisheeye kunool ma badbadaa? kuwo ehel kadhigtay ayaa lawaydiin xaaladiisu masahlana waa wax laga ducaysto habaar iyo dhagar qabe iga dheh. intaas oo dhan ayaa maanta na dhex mushaaxayo anagana sidii live tv ayaan u daawanaynaaa maxaa dawo ah oo inaa qaadano nagu waajiba?  
    Topclan @ 5/20/2016 5:02 PM EST
 Cunaqabteyn ha lagu qabto dowlada.

No rights?  No revenue.

Let's see if Puntland will pay revenue to the SFG.

They should hold their breath.
    Topclan @ 5/20/2016 4:47 PM EST
 For once the Federal Parliament is acting correctly and in the interest of the nation in defending the principle of equally political rights for all Somali citizens.

No agreement can deny Millions of people their political rights, which has never happened anywhere in the world and isn't going to happen in Somalia either.

The government and Federal Parliament have Deferred the decision of the enacting a law to decide Mogadishu's status.

The SFG and Puntland cannot make a unilateral decision over Mogadishu's status and deny Millions of people their political rights.

The government and Federal Parliament have delayed the decision over Mogadishu's status because Benadir is the only region the government receives revenue from.

Delayed rights are denied rights.

Benadir's rights are nonnegotiable.

Benadir elders sent a message for foreigners to leave the city within 48 hours.

That's sent the message that they were serious, but perhaps they were too hasty and should have explored other options first.

The wants to Benadir it's right?

Benadir should respond by denying the government its only  domestic revenue, by putting halt to any money going to the government.

Another option is to halt the government and especially the president from moving by blocking their movements.

The point is to show power of the people in Mogadishu and how depended government is on their cooperation.

Try to deny the rights of the people of Benadir and they you shall see their power.
    Topclan @ 5/20/2016 3:25 PM EST
 "We are very concerned by anyone trying to unpick part of the deal, because very soon the whole thing could unravel," said Britain's UN ambassador Matthew Rycro."

Not so concerned with denying nearly three Million people representation.

Not only did they not show any concerns about any part of the deal, the approved of it by witnessing Ethiopia transgression on Somali territory as it acted as guarantor.

The gang of eight do not represent Somalia.

The gang of eight are law on to themselves and don't care about the constitution or oversight by parliament.

The West is protesting the Federal Parliament's constitutional right of oversight over all government agreements and policies.

Well, if you build the agreement on an unstable structure, it is bound to collapse sooner or later.

Luckily for Somalia, it happened soon enough.

The first mistake is that the International Community (A euphemism for the West and Ethiopia) thinks this agreement is good for Somalia.

You know what they say, he who pays the piper plays the tune.

What we are witnessing is for the first time in a very long time is, the threat level to Somalia's political stability is greater from external forces than internal ones.

You might say what about Al-Shabaab? But I count them as external forces and they are not really a big threat to Somalia political independence.

What they are asking of people of Benadir is to compromise by giving up their political rights in order to placate Puntland.

"Diplomats say the current plan is broader and better, and would be a stepping stone towards a genuinely democratic elections in 2020."

The broader and better bit they are referring to is only one part of the agreement: An electoral college of 50  will vote for each seat.

I welcome it but it would've been better if it was 100 voters for each as Somali civil society proposed.

The rest of the agreement is not only worse but is unconstitutional, conflict riddled and irresponsible.

They don't mention how regional leaders have given themselves the power to appoint the entire Upper House  of the Federal Parliament, that the Electoral Commission will handpicked by the NLF, after elders  pick electoral college and then they in turn pick a MP, they will need the signature of regional leaders, women don't have binding agreement that they will have 30% of seats in both Houses of the Federal Parliament that they are constitutionally entitle to.

And, of course, there is the exclusion of Benadir from the upper House.

Do you know the easiest way to know if an agreement isn't Somali owned and isn't good for Somalia?

It has Ethiopia as a guarantor.

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