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    Abdisheikh @ 4/20/2014 12:52 AM EST
 Br Croc. Tear, what is your reasoning?? You will answer it but let me list few benefits for Somalism:

1.Financial wise
A. The more the customers the bigger the profit if you are a good business man.
You can have this term (Somalism) serve you for this purpose
      2. Diffense wise:
A. The whole world is adopting the idea of 'security cooperation' for difensive purposes regionally. Under this strategy, you are safe from other country's potential threat let alone attacking you!

       Unity wise:
A. As a Muslim Sunni country, our religion of Islam legislates up on us to be united, not indistingrate in to small communities.
B. Besides the geographical different and wherever we are on our map, Somalis are interrelated to another so we ca not be apart. That will disenfranchise the system to decide who is who.

It all comes down to the hard reality that Somalis are made to be together as one body. Imaginary boarders  and localized passport will not stop the somalis to crisscross around this land of theirs.
    Crocodile Tears @ 4/19/2014 1:31 PM EST
 Mark my words:

There will be no end to the misery of Somalia for as long as this dangerous ideology called Somalism is not rooted out.

So simple yet so difficult.
    Abdisheikh @ 4/19/2014 1:09 PM EST
 Who is behind the repeatitive bloodshed in the region? Why can there be a lasting solution to the local militancy? I am sure clan politics is playing a desasterous role in the killing. I also think that time of tribal dominance is luckily vanishing with rapid pace. Thanks to new change of course adupted by the majority of Somali people, we are seeing the fear-mongers' call is getting laughed at big time. They are even running out of sympathizes!

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