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    Cilmi123 @ 1/11/2013 1:13 PM EST
 wow.  This is very interesting.
    nomadic1 @ 1/11/2013 7:33 AM EST
 Very interesting article.
    baghdad bob @ 1/11/2013 2:16 AM EST
 Somalia belongs to somalis and who ever shall come ululating on top of foreign tanks will leave in a hurry barefooted and humiliated. A case in point, madobe, a self confessed warlord, clanist to the core and a foreigner who is not even born or raised in somalia is acting in defense of kenya but they suddenly turned their back on him. Humiliated the kenyan army forced him to welcome somali government officials, the same officials he denied landing rights    
    baghdad bob @ 1/11/2013 2:09 AM EST
 interestingly enough, kenya has decided to turn its forces against the same somalis they have used. For months before the invasion they printed over and over in their mass media how the ogadens dominate the entire southern somalia knowing somalis will quickly fight over such claims and most probably the ogadens will support them. As soon as they took over the control of kismayu they turned their guns on garissa and any other village in between kismayu and garissa, raping and looting anything on their way. Yesterday, yusuf haji an ogaden who pushed and supported the invasion is now threatening to resign from the kibaki government completely sidelined, humiliated and used. The whole debacle they are going through is reminiscent of the last days of yeey when the ethiopians used him and threatened to arrest him finally fleeing    
    MidnimoSomali @ 1/9/2013 8:15 AM EST
 Not suprisingly, another Ulosow is here breaching his typical clan based idealogy. People like Arman were meant to be free from clan based way of thinking whom work relentlessly advocating for the integrity, peace and harmonization of the Somalis. One can bluntly say the gentleman is confused to whom he is addressing to?
    MidnimoSomali @ 1/9/2013 8:15 AM EST
 Not suprisingly, another Ulosow is here breaching his typical clan based idealogy. People like Arman were meant to be free from clan based way of thinking whom work relentlessly advocating for the integrity, peace and harmonization of the Somalis. One can bluntly say the gentleman is confused to whom he is addressing to?
    somalipeace10 @ 1/8/2013 7:25 AM EST
 Thank you Amabassador Amran for this well-written atricle. As always, your arguments are sound and you see the bigger picture unlike some narrow-minded morons.
    PIS @ 1/7/2013 5:55 PM EST
 What a punch of Ball- crap. Somalis need AMISOM and IGAD to flash out Shabaab. Besides, we have enough guns and amunisions pulled up in Somalia. It is not time to lift the Mar's embargo. It is also amazing how Aramn is talking like Uluso or Alasow! Jabuuti is OK, because certain clans do not live there? I wonder the love affair between Djabouti and Banadiri is not a typical anti-Jubaland and federalism? Hmmmm! Is he trying to convince the goverment to keep his old job here?

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