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    Zami @ 10/13/2014 6:48 PM EST

Everything you described has already been done by the USA. China is painted as evil when its not. China supported Somalia in the Ogaden war, saying the Ogaden is Somali territory. China is a future ally for Somalia. We will rebuild the Silk Road and have a Somali renaissance insh'allah.
    topclan @ 10/13/2014 4:58 PM EST

The US through its military interventionism, and even food aid has caused the destruction of countries and deaths of millions of people.

China doesn't do any military interventions at the moment but don't think they wont in the future. If china is building an empire in African we should be careful and watchful otherwise we it might be a case of jumping out of the frying pan and in to the fire.

China could own huge lands in Africa and send in their troops or pay locals to protect it while the locals are starving. He may seem tame at the moment but never under estimate or take your eye off of the dragon.
    Zami @ 10/13/2014 4:20 PM EST

Human rights... How about the Iraq war based on lies that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis? You are stupid to believe the West is better than China when it comes to human rights. The USA is has the worst record of human rights violations. China was one of the poorest countries 30 years ago, now it is one of the wealthiest. China helps develop countries while the USA destroys them.
    topclan @ 10/13/2014 3:26 PM EST
 The theory of Somalis as helpless goes out of the window when Somali communities have succeeded in other countries.

What Somalia needs is a quick recovery and China is better partner to have for that than the West. China finds favor with Somalis because it had good relationship with Somalia before and like Turkey could help with the reconstruction of the country. The West have to understand that even the most democratic and liberal Africans can see alure of China and the difference in China and Turkey's model and the outdated model of the West.
    topclan @ 10/13/2014 3:26 PM EST
 China will not help to democratise Africa, not that the West have a great history of that either but West are at least democratic and have to be held to a higher stardard in human rights.

I feel the West sees or rather wants to see Somalis as helpless people who will need to be looked after as they can't succeed by themselves. Somalia was doing great until the US in combination with World bank and IMF help to destroy Somali state. This pereception in the West is not only of Somalia but Africa in general. The West believe that Africa belongs to them because the Africans are not taking advantage of the riches on their continent.

    Zami @ 10/13/2014 2:41 PM EST

I agree. China will help re-develop Somalia quickly. Turkey and China should be our main development partners. When China said it was reopening the embassy there was an Al-shabaab attack on the parliament. Yesterday when it was opened a car bomb kills 20 people. We know Al-shabaab is funded and controlled by arab states. The USA backs these arab states funding Al-shabaab because they want to control Somalia. We tell the USA this. We know you funded the warlords who destroyed the country. We know you had Ethiopia invade when the warlords you were funding were beaten. We know your having arab states buy charcoal from Al-shabaab in exchange for weapons. We know that the USA is evil.
    fiqicigaal1 @ 10/13/2014 12:51 PM EST
    fiqicigaal1 @ 10/13/2014 12:49 PM EST
 Good timing and I must say I was impressed to see Chinese dude speak fluent Somali, wow!

No doubt about it, Unlike most if not all of the western world,  China is known to say what it means and that gives one a sense of peace which also creates respect between both parties(counties) a key to successful relationship. China can and will offer a lot and it will be a game of give and take - ‘barbarkey ka baxdaa waa bakeyla qaleen’
    Darvesh @ 10/13/2014 12:06 PM EST
 China can really rebuild Somalia. It can do it extremely faster and better than western countries. Most contracts should go to Turkey and China when it comes to major infranstructure like World class Highways, Airports, Hospitals, Universities, Sea Ports. Somalia is naturally rich country, it can really transform itself within a decade if managed well.
    Mahad muse @ 10/13/2014 11:58 AM EST
 Waw! I am amazed. Xiexie

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