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    @ 2/28/2015 4:24 AM EST
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    xidig10 @ 2/28/2015 12:50 AM EST
 It seems Somali's financial systems have been deliberately sabotaged by some groups both within and outside Somalia. When former Minister of Finance Mr. Halane was interviewed and asked about the slow pace and the reason why they couldn't print new money for example, his answer was that when he tried to do these things he got major resistance from within and outside. He didn't mention any names. Somali's central bank is a joke. It doesn't have any control over Somali's Shilling, nor does it regulate anything.
    Zami @ 2/27/2015 12:28 PM EST
 This Central Bank of Somalia Governor is beyond a joke. He said "We are trying to engage and entice international commercial banks which can open branches and buy other (Somali) banks, in order for us to have more professional banks". Why is he encouraging foreign banks to buy Somali banks? Why is he not working to make Somali banks better than international banks? This guy should be fired. This clown also said "We are very bad farmers, very bad fishermen and very bad at politics, but we are the best businessmen in the world." This guy just unleashed a blanket condemnation on three professions. It's obvious this man's a traitor.

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