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    mercano @ 4/10/2014 6:35 AM EST
 Reer Xamar deye, iyo Reer Xamar Kooye aa isku dilooyo, meehaan.  Intee lagu arkey caasimad loo kala maamul, 9 abgaal, 4 Habaraneey iyo adeerkood, iyo labada kale Hawiye lagu badsanaayo.  Somaliya is hostage for one clan, Hawiye, and the engine in that system is confused habar Gidir without dircetion but xaaraam, looting. Time will finish them
    xamarweyne @ 4/9/2014 8:06 PM EST
 With all these killing going on in Mogadisho, still Hassan Calasow think that he can pretended that Mogadishu is safe enough where he encouraged Kenyan government to return Somali refugees in Mogadishu after Ali America from Somali amabssy in Kenya is thought to advice the president to sign the agreement paper for returning refugees to Kenyan government in order for Ali America to coordinate the process with Kenyan police whose known to take bribe from Somalis want to pay for their release. If that is not the case, why then Ali America was reported to be flown back withe refugee to mogadishu if he did not collect his share of the deal.

President must put the interest of individual known to benefit from their position such as ali America behind the interest of Somali people, specailly those harrassed by Kenyan force while he was signing for Kenyan paper to return them back to mogadisho.

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