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    Nuunow @ 2/14/2017 4:11 AM EST

Nuunow for president? Loool!

I might not be a qabiiliste but I'm just a simpleton with certainly no presidential quality.

Thanks for the nice words, anyway!

    secular @ 2/13/2017 5:29 PM EST
Before I let you follow your Moses's chariot, split the Ocean in two and start your epic trek to Imaratul Mirage, let me repeat that I didn't claim that Siyad built neither the port nor Breznev's base in Berbera.
I just alluded to the fact that the two and only sources of income (and damac) are these crumpling structures that antedate the birth of the concept behind Dreamland!
One other point : far from being genealogically related, mine and the new tenant of Villa Somalia's donkeys don't even date in the Savannah of Wanlawenia (I don't speak for your pal from Buulo Mareer, Stick)!
    secular @ 2/13/2017 12:56 PM EST
 Take care, and sweet dreams, Wiif Al-Nahyaan!
    wiifgarow @ 2/13/2017 11:11 AM EST

Pushed a sore button have I Sir sec? I honestly I did not mean to. They say truth hurts and taht si why ciovilsied people should never tell it! Not my motto mind you but it appears it's others'.

    secular @ 2/13/2017 10:59 AM EST
Good luck, agente provocateur!
Unlike the demand of the essence of your job, you always showed your spots in plain daylight.
Let's hear from you, when Siilanyo's caravan reaches the Promissed Land ( Imaaratul Mirage)!
Sayonara, Pal
    wiifgarow @ 2/13/2017 9:08 AM EST

I did not try to bring Samron Saeed into the Somaliland fold. History, geography, kith, kin and lastly wallaweyn greed and venality did that. It is Wallos who revived the Dir tag. It was a way to deny non-iidoor Somalilandera  place in Mogadshu politics. Most Samroons now understand exactly where they hold power and respect and where they dont.
    wiifgarow @ 2/13/2017 9:05 AM EST

You misread what I said. I am a die-hard qabiliste but so are you and ol' sec. Indeed so every Somali I ever met except few Marxists and Al-Shabab cadres. Not the friendliest bunch. What I object to is the disingenuity; the pretenbse that you somehow hold loftier principles. You do not. Ol Sec at least secular but so is qabyaalad
    wiifgarow @ 2/13/2017 9:02 AM EST

Tariikhda been haka sheegin cimri baad tahaye sheekhow. Kacaan Bebera waxkama dhisin. Lam taaban dekeddan intoo ka dambeysay 1968kii. Madarkii Russhku dhisay hadaad adeerkaa siinayso lagaa dhegeysan maayo haddaii aaydaan isu bixineyn Darodski Kombanov
    wiifgarow @ 2/13/2017 8:59 AM EST
 Stick & Secular

Muddo waad maqneydeen dee malaha waa intii Xamar Hawiye isku xukumayaye. Maanat markii nin inaadeeerkiin ah oo weliba aad gooni sugu dhowdhiin jilibn aahn ayaad sidii roobladhacada tidhaahdeen Cadda walac!

Idinku takoori maayo oo amba sidaan uunbaan yeeli lahaa laakiin humbaaleynta iyo isbeen farriinta inaga daaya cidi idinka dhegeysan maysee
    secular @ 2/12/2017 9:33 PM EST
Degma yaroo aan ku dhashay askariga police ah oo Woqooyi ka yimi wuxuu ahaan jiray "the most popular and not few ladies found their soulmates".
Jaan Dheerna iyo dhaantana way noo keeneen (iyo hadallo waayeelku ayan ku dhiirranaanjirin, but we used to emulate), sidaas baanna ku jeclayn.
Lahjaddaydu saas ugama fogayn tan Qawdhenia, Xamar markaan imina waxay ardaydii ii bixisay "Soomaali Layn iyo Qaldaan"!
Jaamacadda mid ila dhiganayey oo Qawdhan ah baa rag aan ku jiro Kacaanka ku jaasuusay, waxaase ii digay oo i fakiyey nin qaali ah oo isna Qawdhani ahaa oo aan ku maqlay Hargeysa (Allaha dhawro).
Marka, widaayow, carar ama baxso haddaad maagto, laakin meel aad iga aadayso lama arko, anna " Laba maro middii midab laan ku siine" Alle midnimo ha kugu hanuuniyo!
    secular @ 2/12/2017 7:50 PM EST
Adiga iyo dhulkaas dayacan oo aad ka timi wallaahi khayr baan la jeclahay.
Bashaashnimo iyo bulshanimo ragga aad xustay waad la wadaagikartaa oo waxaad tahay "an atypical Qaldan, as you call yourself", malahana waxaa kugu haray, albeit unconsciously, xoogaa rajo midnimo .
Qaddiyadda Soomaali meel kama wada aragno, adaana u soo dhacay gole lagaa badanyahay oo malaha cid kuu hiilisa waad ku fiicnayd inaad heshid.
Wararka hadda soo dhacaya waxay sheegayaan in harag la siistay Dekaddii iyo Saldhigii Kacaanka laga dhaxlay (the only sources of income for the enclave), malahana inta tolkaa ka faqdid qiro inay xaajadu xal kale ku roontahay.

Midda kale, halka iyo labada wiil oo shaqada lagu siiyey magaca tolkood ma xuma, laakiin, to say it with Qamaan Bulxan, " Hah maxaad u tiri wiil marti ah hilib intaad siisay"?
Anna haddaan u abaalsheegto bahweynta Qawdhan aan ku daro " Wiifgarowba nimankii muddada haynjiraan nahaye" (Reer HOL Forum)!

    stickorcarrot @ 2/12/2017 4:26 PM EST

Tan kale waxay kuula muuqataa dowladnimadda waxtarkeedu inuu
yahay inta "wasiir" oo qabiil ku leeyahay. Dowladnimo iyo waxtarkeedu
waa siday danta dalka & dadka u hor mariso. Haddii aad
leedahay Samaroon baa wax ku waayaysa weli su'aashan 5 times
baan ku waydiiyay kamaad jawaabin.

Haddii odayga Siilaanyo tegayo maxaa madaxweyna ku xigeenku
isu sharixi waaya sida badanaa aduunka ka dhacda? Maxaa
ku khasbay inuu VP u noqdo nin kale oo hadda imanaya?

Miyayna ahayn qabiil?

waan garanayaa oo Riyaale baad soo cuskanaysaa laakiin
ma taqaanaa Riyaale waxa looga yaqaanay Waqooyiga?

Wad iyo Calaf

Macnaha wadkii ina Cigaal dilay calafna wuu ku lahaa. Markii
labaadna HY baa ku goobatay waxooga farsamo ahina waa

Nin guri quraarad ah ku jiraa dhagax ma tuuro!
    stickorcarrot @ 2/12/2017 4:19 PM EST

I remember Goth was pro secession but there is nothing here
that suggests he is no longer. Calling Farmajo "my president"
does not mean he is no longer in your camp. And you are very
generous giving yourself a pass when it comes to Qabiil but
no so generous for the others. What is wrong if Bashir goes
where his people "Clan" goes?
You are for secession not because of principle but you think
it benefits your Qabiil.
    wiifgarow @ 2/12/2017 9:54 AM EST
 Anyway Nuunow why don't you stand for president of somalia? I mean it. You are claerly more intelligent than anything on the Wallaweyn scene and possibly even on the qaldaan scene. And you are truly unqabiliste, unlike me, old secular, Mr Goth here and every other somalia bar about ten. and the ten were pointy-headed marxists. I will vote for you even if you come and stand in qaldaanland.
    wiifgarow @ 2/12/2017 9:51 AM EST

I'm afraid Mr Goth has changed his views over the last few years on a number of occasions. He was Pro-Somalia till certain time and then became a die-hard Somalilander for all intents and purporses. It may had something to do with the ascent President Ryale to power. And then there was a sudden, almost undignified turn around. I would've given it a couple years
    Nuunow @ 2/11/2017 10:55 AM EST

Ina adeer, prof. Samatar was the flip-flopper not Goth.

Bashir Goth is a good man and brilliant writer.

    wiifgarow @ 2/11/2017 9:22 AM EST
 You know what I call Somaliland? The Samaroon Republic. No honestly. Our Samroon cousins have power or influence there than they ever had anywhere else since their Adal Empire days. Every independent Somali govt gave Samroon one minsiter. Every single one of them. In Djibouti they come fourth in the clan pecking order. In Somaliland they are President or Vice Pres and more. If Somaliland collapses guess who will lose the biggest power and influence?
    wiifgarow @ 2/11/2017 9:19 AM EST
 "breakaway Somaliland" So that si what you call it now then? I remember you calling it..other names and titles not so long ago. Arabs say "Subhana Mughyaril Ahwal)("In Awe of The God Who Changes Conditions [so Fast]. Anyway wont work. Unlike your fellwo Somalialnders who are all forgiving our more sedentary, urbanised Southern neighbours have long memories.  
    secular @ 2/10/2017 7:43 PM EST
 Mr President,
First, congratulations.
Secondly, please consider the wisdom of this great man, former president of Uruguay, Mujica.

I don't advise you to be frugal in everything like him, but he has a lot of useful advises to dispense.

I wish you good luck and may the wind always be at your back.


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