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    @ 1/28/2015 5:48 PM EST
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    xandal @ 4/2/2014 3:15 AM EST
 Abukar Arman writes and has hot pen with extremely tapered storytelling aptitude. Anytime I read one of his articles, I got lost in predicting his political position in regards to the subject matter. I am sure many of you have felt the same unless I am mentally challenged, which Alhamdulillah is not the case. I always find him revealing and exhibiting his deep ill feelings and contradiction to some parts of the Somali geopolitics –Puntland, Somaliland, and Jubbaland. He consistently attempts to crackdown any prolific steps engaged by them dismissing any possible positive aftermath.

He also willingly efforts to defend his uncle’s tanked-up stages and straggles in the name of “Government”. What government? They are only good in sacking and looting the public accounts and the foreign aids intended in nurturing the malnourished children and women affected by the famines and the ongoing Mogadishu’s political predicaments.

Although, the man is very wobbly and colorful in politics; however he is great sweet talker. I still remember him forced to resign from the Franklin County Criminal Justice Planning Board due to his deep sympathies for Alshabaab – then the “Union Courts”.  http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1878039/posts

You can read many of his articles full of just useless critiques unforced slips and blenders: http://www.globalpolitician.com/search.asp?keyword=abukar+arman&search=Go

I still remember his unadorned and bald opposition to the “Dual Track” deal that would allocate for – Puntland and Somaliland – their slice of the bread before it is vexed and absorbed by the never nurtured Mogadishu beasts. Although, his clannish critiques are deeply allied with some, amazingly, he is not even from any Somali clan in ancestries and roots. The Yemeni origin man was born to a Somali lady from the south, but profoundly criticizes us as from within.

I neither like when others imitate as bodies; nor when they talk as amigos. They further shame and infamy our volatile political image by fumbling it around and poking its sinkholes.

I also remember of him being a loud vocal against the TFG led by Yussuf and being its own American envoy as Sharif took the office – the two men only replaced each other and passed an identical platform and policy onto per capita. This man lacks solid political principles to advocate for and is confused by the confused applauses of some political amateurs.

Joke: a Somali educated man met once a Somali young man. The young and amateur man told the intellectual man that he lately became a writer. The intellectual man, discounting the boy’s ability to write due to the lack of capacity and expertise, asked the boy: “so you found a typewriter?” I would ask Arman the same question in relation to the politics.  

My advice to him: take it easy bro, cool down body, and aim right before releasing the pullet. Establish a strong hold and solid ground in politics. And perhaps avoid the controversies until rehabilitating and reorienting the public so they can accept your political views. Until then, so long bro.
    Crocodile Tears @ 3/25/2014 8:39 AM EST
 You faqash continue suffering with your illusion of Somaliweyn and see how far you come with it.
    Crocodile Tears @ 3/24/2014 3:09 PM EST
 Look at how these faqash commentators drag nationalism they faked to death without understanding it properly just to look like they understand what is wrong with their sorry Somalia. Faqash will never understand its problem is called nationalism aka fake Somaliweyn.
    secular @ 3/23/2014 12:45 PM EST
Let's hope for the best.
    topclan @ 3/23/2014 11:38 AM EST
 Nuunow, I am not saying Al-Shabaab are Somali nationalists, although they are as closest we have, what I'm saying is that they and other reactionary forces will fill the vacuum left by our disunity. There was no peace before Al-Shbaab so to say that there might be peace because Al-Shabaab is militarily defeated is wrong.

Ethiopia and Kenya are not a benign force and to see them as such would be a foolish and costly mistake.

Good advice for Al-Shabaab but we know it's not going to happen so we must come up with better plan than having to choose between Al-Shabaab and Ethiopia and Kenya because that is false choice.

Al-shabaab and similar groups will never leave while Ethiopia and Kenya are interfering in Somalia's affairs. My point was that it is wrong to say we should stop fighting Ethiopia and Kenyan interference in Somalia just as it would be to say stop fighting Al-Shabaab until we are united.

Ethiopia and Kenya's help is a poisoned chalice.

Secular, Wahabism is not going to be defeated by military force alone its ideology will be harder to defeat and we have to be in it for the long term.
    secular @ 3/22/2014 10:47 PM EST
Perhaps you are too young to remember history, but Al-Shabab's twisted ideology is nothing more that " the icing on the cake of a wahhabization process that started in the early seventies".
Ethiopia's arrogant adventure into our affairs was just an excuse.
Enemy N.1 kills/maims you on the spot, while the other enemies kill you slowly.
prioritizing  and multitasking is the way!
    FiqiJin @ 3/22/2014 9:11 PM EST

Say Ethiopia and Kenya are both in Somalia for sinister reasons. If their excuse is they are fighting terrorist Al-Shabaab, then the best solution for Somalia and Somalis' interest is for Al-Shabab to recognize such trick and sue for peace. such move would all of a sudden change the immediate future of all foreign troops in Somalia. If we Somalis haven't been fighting and destroying ourselves, there wouldn't have been any foreigners to begin with. Right now, the best way to make Ethiopia and Kenya's excuses of fighting terrorists inside Somalia null and void is for Somalis is to stop the foolishness and embrace each other. And all of us being side-by-side can look at all these foreigners in the eyes and say " we are OK now. We thank you for coming, sacrifice and brotherly help, but it is time for you to head home and be with your own."

    FiqiJin @ 3/22/2014 8:20 PM EST
 The best way to have all foreign troops out of Somalia, and keep them out, is for Al-Shabab to cease fire and go to a negotiation table. It is for all Somalis to solve their problems peacefully. Haven't we gotten tired of war yet. Al-Shabab maybe predominantly Somali, but they pose more threat to the Somalis than Ethiopia and Kenya. They are a threat not only to us hear and now but also to our Aakhiro because of their bid'a xaraam type of Islam. They are a threat to our souls and spirits. They are the Devil's disciples. Whichever way you look at it, it comes down to Somalis stopping all the craziness and getting their house in order.
    Nuunow @ 3/22/2014 5:00 PM EST

I wouldn't call Al-Haraam thugs nationalists. In fact, they are far from it and their mediaval and brutal ideology is a danger to the Islamic religion and in no way correlates with our historical traditions and values. They brutally subjugate and maim innocent Muslim Somalis day in and day out, send suicide bombers to our holy Mosques and kill newly graduated young people, etc. So please don't insult our intelligence!

You said that if Al-Haraam is defeated then similar groups will replace them. But has it ever occur to you that after Al-Haraam era, there might be peace and stability in Somalia that the group that emerges is a strong and unified Somali national army, which is strong enough to stand its feet and defend our beloved country from external enemies? This could be far fetched, but is still within the realms of possibility, though.
    topclan @ 3/22/2014 3:23 PM EST

To fight doesn't only mean to use military force. In fact the fight against Al-Shabaab Ethiopia and Kenya is not just military it's ideological, economical, social and political.

What you are saying is let's focus on enemy No.1 and forget about the others. While all your focus is on defeating enemy No.1 your other enemies will take advantage as is happening now.

If Ethiopia and Kenya are not confronted by nationalism reactionaries forces like Al-Shabaab will take its place. As long as Ethiopia and Kenya are interfering in Somali affairs Al-Shabaab or a similar force will be in Somalia. You don't need to me to tell you how Al-Shabaab became a force in Somalia.

    secular @ 3/22/2014 2:29 PM EST
A farmer living near a river shouted for help.
"Help, Help" "My wife fell in the river"!
When all rescuers rushed towards downstream, he went upstream.
"Where are you going?" the astonished rescuers asked him.
"I know her better than you", was his answer and added "she does things her own way, and I am sure she defies gravity even this time!"
Are you suggesting to adopt the farmer's  way and fight Ethiopia and Kenya defying "gravity (military power) instead of first making peace with your brother next door?
    topclan @ 3/22/2014 2:01 PM EST
 You are naïve if you think Ethiopia and Kenya are really helping Somalia. It's like someone giving you water when you're thirsty and are grateful but not know that it is poisoned.

Somalis has been stateless for more than 2 decades, tell me what have Kenya and Ethiopia have lost except an enemy and competitor. They entertain the idea of perpetual chaos in Somalia  because they said so. Are you one of those people who doesn't want to believe anything they say even when they say in secret that they want to tear Somalia apart because I think we can believe that.

You said let's deal with Ethiopia and Kenya after we deal with our  own demons first: "Virulent clan politicians/elders are the root cause of the disintegration of the nation"

Your logic dictates that we should deal with our demons first instead of Al-Shabaab.
    Nuunow @ 3/22/2014 1:58 PM EST

The name of the game is: "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Al-Haraam cult is the eneymy number #1 because they are seen as the biggest threat to stability in Somalia (and east AFrica), as well as the liability to move forward. Therefore, they must go, simple as that!
    secular @ 3/22/2014 1:10 PM EST
Despite the much mentioned label of "apologist", I haven't seen many in this forum.
Preempting those who see things differently by calling them foreign lackeys is not an elegant way.
    secular @ 3/22/2014 1:06 PM EST
 Shabab waa cancer, hal maalin in dib loo dhigo chemotherapy caqli ma aha, Topclan.
In dib loo wada fahmo sababaha waxay asaas u tahay daawada, wixii inaga qaldamayna waa sheegnay, goorta iyo sifaha Soomaali isu raacikartana waa wax noo wada yaal.
(qoraal ingriis ahaa odofaa la hordhigay oo la iga diid!)
    topclan @ 3/22/2014 12:47 PM EST
 Apologists are not hypocrites?

We must unite but do we stop everything including our fight against Al-Shabaab and the interference of Ethiopia and Kenya until we are united?  Does the FGS, AU, IGAD, UN and Somali people agree that we should not fight Al-Shabaab until we have Somali unity. This is also the logic that dictates that Somalis cannot do more than one at the time.
    FiqiJin @ 3/22/2014 12:00 PM EST

Fake ass nationalists are the most tribal of all. Such are hypocrites!


I get your point, but are you saying Ethiopia should not take advantage of us ( if that is what it's doing) in our weakest hour. All these foreign troops in Somalia are there because of us then and even now. We know how to revive Somalia, and that is for Somalis to have learned the lessons of the last 2 decades. We need to come together, or our neighbors who are not shedding tears for us will finish us off.

    secular @ 3/22/2014 11:11 AM EST
 Outright annexations and division of Somalia between Kenya and Ethiopia is not even a remote possibility and the desire of a perpetual chaos in Somalia cannot be entertained by neither neighbor.
The Shabab phenomenon and its mother, Global Jihadism, and what they capable of doing, is a thorn in the flanks of every country in the region and it's in the interest of our neighbors to have a stable Somalia and I doubt they ignore this fact (unlike what Mr Arman asserts).
Though I am not that confident of African politics, simple logic and common sense pushes me to this conclusion.
To avoid falling further into the abyss, we have stand united at home and once again be able to draw the line on the sand and prevent undue foreign interference.  
    topclan @ 3/22/2014 11:10 AM EST
   FiqiJin, secular  

We are not talking about what caused the collapse of the Somali state, we are talking about how it can be revived and what is stopping it from being revived.

If you think we should wait to fix our clannish behaviour then why attack Al-Shabaab?
    secular @ 3/22/2014 10:24 AM EST
Though motivated by personal ambitions to sit in the Mansion on the Hill and in some cases by wounded fragile egos, those who sought refuge in the willing arms of Ethiopia found relative safety in the uncharted territory of enemy land.
The desire to get even with the Oppressor at home blinded many of the Somali "mujahids" and they could not fathom that they were also making the bidding of a historical enemy of the country.
Had they sought refuge in Makkah or Madinah and did what they did, perhaps our fervent nationalists would have approved their actions.
All in all, for good or for bad, we found ourselves on both banks of the river, while the common Waryaa folk is drowning and blaming anyone but us is an obscene nonsense.
    secular @ 3/22/2014 9:44 AM EST
I sinned years ago on this same forum by " preferring to succumb to the bullets from the AKs of an enemy rather than that of my brother".
Some vocal "nationalists" chose to label as traitors anyone who stated the need of unity first before eventually dealing with the enemy of today.
On the other side, examples of duplicity and artful deceptions are what we se today: Vocal "nationalists" , yesterday vehemently opposing Ethiopia and Kenya are now breaking bread with the same lot, and in broad daylight!
    FiqiJin @ 3/22/2014 7:35 AM EST

Exactly so. We have become all that and then some more evil. You and I see the problem is and has been with us Somalis. Others have only eyes for our traditional enemies, Ethiopia and Kenya. For me, I always expected my enemies to come and destroy me in a moment of weakness. Why would they do us any favor. So there is no point of crying about that!
    secular @ 3/22/2014 6:08 AM EST
The Somali human being is programmed to perpetuate exaggeration in every business he is involved with.
Exaggeration permeates in all important aspects of our life: tribalism, religion, corruption, business practices and you name it.
The common folks finds himself in the proverbial situation of the "she camel herded by the  ambidextrous camelboy" : it is hit from both sides of the body.
Wadaad wax gawraca, moryaan wax dila/dhaca, siyaasi musuqmaasuq u taagan, oday/siyaasi dhaqameed baas oo diradira iyo kala qaybis ku qaraabta, etc.... dartood "meel loo ciirsado iima muuqato maanta"!

    FiqiJin @ 3/21/2014 3:38 PM EST

what do all the following groups have in common: Al=Shabab, TFG, Islamic Courts, Warlords, USC, SSDF, SNM, SPM, SNF, Ahlu Sunna, Ethiopia and Kenya in Somalia, ETC.? the answer is they are either Somalis or led by Somalis. Ethiopia, let alone Kenya, could not dare look at us with crossed eyes when we Somalis were strong and functioning as a nation. We had weakened ourselves, and if our enemies are making sure we will never get up, then it is their fortune and our lose(because of our stupidity) You seem so surprised that Ethiopia and Kenya and Gulf Arab States all do not want a united and strong Somalia.
    topclan @ 3/21/2014 12:32 PM EST
 The point I am trying to make is just because Al-Shabaab is not the root cause of the problems in Somalia it doesn't mean they are not a problem. Should we leave them alone until we fix the original problem of clan confilcts?

They're compounding the problem to make sure we will never fix our original problem. The objective of Ethiopia and Kenya is to perpetuate the mess and chaos in Somalia while trying to act as the cleaners. Like I said before the strategy of Ethiopia is to create a mess that will need cleaning so that they will always be needed to clean it.

It is illogical to say Ethiopia and Kenya are not creating problems in Somalia but AlShabaab is.
    topclan @ 3/21/2014 11:09 AM EST
 Why are we fighting Al-Shabaab as the root cause of our problems is virulent clan politicians/elders. There is no point fighting Al-Shabaab until we address the real problem and when we do that we can get rid of Al-Shabaab with the stroke of a pen. Just like Ethiopia and Kenya the problem is not Al-shabaab and we should not waste time battling them. I think people are too fixated on Al-Shabaab which is not the real problem in Somalia.
    Crocodile Tears @ 3/20/2014 1:46 PM EST
 Arman continues to misconstrue the problem of his country: the dream to unite all Somalis under one fake blue flag.
    Crocodile Tears @ 3/20/2014 1:41 PM EST
 Oh, here he goed again. The Arman boy, the faqash boy.
    Nuunow @ 3/20/2014 11:02 AM EST

You're right in the sense that Southerners, USC/Hawiye in particular, failed miserably to put their houses in order in 1991. However, the idea of a separete "Somaliland" didn't exist at the time because of the power sharing proposal between the USC and SNM that was put forward by the Isaaqs (now Somaliland) themselves. Only after the failure the power-sharing arrangement did Somaliland proclaimed independence for the North-west regions. This invalidates your arguments that an amicable separation could have been made in 1991. No?

    Nuunow @ 3/20/2014 8:37 AM EST
 Abukar Arman,

Well written article indeed!

I agree that these aforementioned external elements have sinister plans for Somalia, and that dismembering Somalia into small clan-fiefdoms calls for more inter- and intra-clan bloodshed, and is more likely to be the final nail in the coffin of Somali unity than to solve any problem for good.

However, Al-Haraam with its foreign fighters are a serious impediment to peace and stability in Somalia, and the joint effort to defeat them is more than justified. Once defeated, the probability for them to relocate (with full force) in the other more peaceful Somali regions will be close to zero.

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