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    fiqicigaal @ 3/20/2013 12:25 PM EST
 baghdad bob, Fiiqoow,

If that is your response to my below comments then surely you terribly lost the argument and Fiqi won. Yippee!!!!!

Never the less, there is no need to get personal we are here to debate and to attack any opponent’s argument and you don’t have to like my opinion but don’t attack the person for having it. We don’t want our conversation to go into a brawl, do we?

    baghdad bob @ 3/20/2013 3:27 AM EST
 but i love that talk, when you talk like that.....that baby talk
    baghdad bob @ 3/20/2013 2:16 AM EST
 The schizophrenic response of fiqicigaal was hilarious to read to say the least. Fiqi you sound more like a newly wed wife pretending to be somewhat independent from her husband....showing a bit of defiance while still standing at the porch of her home. your statements were really pathetic, degrading and utterly disgusting. You twisted and turned in desperate hope to explain away the indignity you find yourself in, fully conscious of it and it pains you otherwise your incoherent statements wouldn't be necessary lol  
    Fiiqoow @ 3/19/2013 11:58 PM EST
 Illaahoow wareersanyaasha wax fahamsii. Midi dowlad iyo  carotuur gumeysi ayuu kala garan la'yahay, midi cadowgiisa ayuu caano ka sugaa kana doorbidayo wiil yar oo walaalkiis ah, midkale kaniisad ayuu qurbaha qashan ka cunaa markaas ayuu ayada maahine wax kale la dhacsaneyn, koo kale waa sii wareeray waxa uu ka caroonayaa wiilal Soomaalideey magaaladii ay ku dhasheen Amxaaradii inta hurdo iyo hergelmo u diiday cunahana ku dhegay ka carartay. Duf ku baxa ee dad haduu duloobo daanyeer waa ka liitaa.
Fiqi I am sure if Sayid would be raised, he will cut your neck. Haddii aad jeceshay gaalo biyo uma qaadeen.Horay ayaan kuugu sheegay gaal hal waa diidaa halna jeebka ayaan ku wadaa wax socaa maahin. ee ama duuduub kuwada qaado ama iska dhaaf,kismaayo Soomaali dhan aa oh cidda urooneed marka nin kaniisad ka soo baxay waxba laga weydiin maayo . Sono ayaana kuu dhameeyay.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/19/2013 7:09 PM EST
 One more thing.
Needless to say,  the people of Kismayo found themselves between a devil and a die- hard extremist called alshabaab cult and they thought ok this has to stop and to do so they needed to take drastic measures  to stop a desperate disease that was spreading like a wild fire but the remedy was another disease Kenya who was the enemy of our enemy and we thought perhaps at this time Kenya could be seen as the lesser evil and sought support to train and equip militia to fight alshabaab.  However, it is very important though to make clear that we never made an agreement with Kenya that may undermine our sovereignty and our integrity it was purely circumstantial decision in allying with Kenya to defeat alshabaab for a mutual benefit .  We are very cautious but friendly in our relationship with Kenya and it is based on security and only on security and when the coast is clear Kenya will pack up and go home by hook or by crook.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/19/2013 5:14 PM EST

On the contrary,  am sure Sayid Mohamed would approve the progress that is being made here in Kismayo since evicting alshabaab from this strategic city a while ago and the people are rejoicing and celebrating the relative peace and  the rare tranquillity that was never to be if masked men were allowed to continue their criminal activities  to starve the sick, the elderly and babies when they disrupted  the smooth follow of any humanitarian aid which they eventually banned as cruel and heartless as they have been since they brought with them  this twisted ideology that kills and destroys.

Mind you,  my political awareness or the love of my people and my country is not confined to certain area and I am against occupation of any kind,  but try to understand the situation and think outside the box , it is never in my intention or the intentions of those whom we work together(of course Somalis) in Kismayo to allow Kenya to seize Juba land  and form its puppet  administered region . That won’t happen with the grace of Allah. Kenya cannot and will not stay in the region its mandate is clear and when we create  our national army that is able to replace them there will be no other option for Kenya  other than to leave us in peace but we need to take responsibility of our wrong doings and we need to stop the few spoilers who flourish only in chaos and crime.

    sonofsomalia @ 3/19/2013 4:22 PM EST

  Ofcourse you are not seeing that, because you are asking for A and B at the same time. You want a strong, independent nation, yet you beat the drum for balkanization. You talk about national interest, yet you carry tribal interest. In short Somalis all suffer from your same exact disease, so stop wondering why.  
    fiqicigaal @ 3/19/2013 4:16 PM EST
 The fact of the matter is, playing games with maryooley's oblivious mind to the dangers lurking overhead and around them won't stop there and it is not only Ethiopia that is doing the hide and seak game others Kenya, Uganda have been threatening to withdraw their forces unless this or that is done which forces Somalia to stay under the mercy of forein troops always unless maryooley is ready to reclaim its sovereignty and become a human again and I am not seeing that for the foreseable time.  
    sonofsomalia @ 3/19/2013 4:08 PM EST

   The Sayid would be equally be disturbed hearing about your aims for Kismayo and collusion with amazing Kenyans.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/19/2013 3:36 PM EST
 It is strange though to read that some Somalis (not anyone with brains) are seen to be comfortable to team up with Ethiopians than other forces from other nationalities. Does that mean Somalis believe that Ethiopia is the lesser evil? .  I am sure Sayid Mohamed and other true Somalis who are not with us any more will be turning over and over again  in their graves with anger when they hear about maryooley loving and licking axmaaro injirley a**.  
    sonofsomalia @ 3/19/2013 12:09 PM EST
 Agree Kucadaye,

  Ethiopia, Kenya, Amisom and their puppets in Somalia are working hard to show Somalia as unstable. Unfortunately the government needs time to build up and they know this. So in the mean time, we will see cities being abandoned, bearded clowns running around and uptick in violence. The best Somalis (Only those not effected by tribal blindness) can do keep fast.
    kucadaye @ 3/19/2013 10:44 AM EST
 A cruel game is being played at the expense of thousands killed, thousands more displaced, and thousands more parishing in the desert and in the seas.

The supposed capture of 'Hudur' by what is identified as 'Alshabaab' is staged so that AMISOM, Kenya, and Ethiopia continue their occupation. Most likely Ali Dhere is not very far from AMISOM HQs in Mogaidhsu; if not in Kampala.

When the Somali people will wake up and realize a cruel game is being played at their expense.?
Where is the so called 'recognized' Government to put end to this sham or are they part of it?

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