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    @ 2/2/2022 10:32 AM EST
    @ 7/27/2011 12:35 PM EST
 I warned you "They are coming!"  before 2 years.
Now they will go! Wiped soon.

But our country will face another uncertainty and danger of semi-occupation by next year.

Unless the two sheriffs disappear from the screen we will be divided.
I see our country's unity signed off by few people and...who knows?
I see new clan wars for "state governments and land".
I see Ethiopian influence clash Kenyan influence.
I see South Sudan as new problem.
I see more famine.
I see no true Government in Somalia, who needs it?!

I see all this but always hope better.
Thats how most of us are,we are Somalis we never give up.
    Fiiqoow @ 7/27/2011 9:19 AM EST
 Sambuus afar gees leh ayaan rabnaa, sababtoo ah Ahlu Qudbo Sireed ayaa u dira ciyaalka marka ay rabaan in ay habartood ka qaraabtaan. Marka in ciyaalka la abuse waa xaaraan, maaanta oo dhana uu ku wareego maqaayadaha isagoo raadinaya sambuus afar gees leh. Sidaas daraadeed waa in la helo sambuus hal madax leh, labo, sedex, afar, iyo shan. Si haddii ciyaalka loo diro ay dhaqso u keenaan. So this solely purpose of children right only.
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 7/27/2011 4:29 AM EST
 Hey Al-Shabaab

Let me tell you something, you went too far!! You can deny me watching legs, you can deny me watching nice porn movie but you can never deny me sitting infront of Nuur Daacuun Biibito after sandy game at Liido and eat my three sided Sambusa.

Don't force me to take the weapon against you guys.

By the way, let me give you a tip. Godane is just look like the cross. Head, two shoulders and the rest of the body. Cut the upper body so he wouldn't look like the cross
    Mo5 @ 7/27/2011 2:55 AM EST
 I warned you "They are coming!"  before 2 years.
Now they will go! Wiped soon.

But our country will face another uncertainty and danger of semi-occupation by next year.

Unless the two sheriffs disappear from the screen we will be divided.
I see our country's unity signed off by few people and...who knows?
I see new clan wars for "state governments and land".
I see Ethiopian influence clash Kenyan influence.
I see South Sudan as new problem.
I see more famine.
I see no true Government in Somalia, who needs it?!

I see all this but always hope better.
Thats how most of us are,we are Somalis we never give up.
    fiqicigaal @ 7/26/2011 2:50 PM EST
 above the ankles, I mean't to say.
    fiqicigaal @ 7/26/2011 2:41 PM EST
 Sometimes I can’t help but laugh with disgust about the way alshabaab extremists suck all the fun out of everything.

You can’t have sambuse anymore because of its shape/ makes  fanatics sneeze kkkkk

You can’t hold hands with your own wife in case one fanatic loser  feels jealous

You can’t wear a lungi/macawis beneath the ankles in case you offend a fanatic with skinny legs who prefers to hide it  kkkkkk

You can’t have a wedding party anymore because in the deluded mind of a mad masked man it is an act of seduction

And the list goes on and on…..

    magudbe @ 7/26/2011 1:44 PM EST
 Fiiqoow..Rather, you run a restaurant called Tixsiile.kkkkkkkkk.
Apart from that, I think this is the height of lunacy. Little kids say"stupid as stupid does"..
War waxaan cawaaminta ah Ilaah ummadda ha ka qabto.
    adamjama @ 7/26/2011 1:21 PM EST
 I sometimes wonder if these guys do any thinking b-4 they issue their bans. They will punish any women wearing a bra & not wearing socks. No movie, walasaqo, & soccer. Xaajiyo khamsiin gadaasheeda lagama laalacshoomi karo. No women can work or even ride public transportation. And now the mother of them all no Sambusa while thousands are starving to death. Did you guys ever notice how well fed & healthy Al-shabab leaders look when they are giving one of their press conferences. What if the the sambusa was a square or rectangular?. Then what? They did that to punish the Muslims during the month of Ramadan which is around the corner. Who is in charge of Al-shabab anyway? Could it be a foreigner who never heard Sambusa?
    fiqicigaal @ 7/26/2011 1:03 PM EST
 con..If we knew what we know now, we should have prayed for protection from those(alshabaab) that were out there to harm innocent vulnerable people.

    fiqicigaal @ 7/26/2011 12:49 PM EST
 con....Can you imagine someone claiming righteosness while they starve babies and mothers to death?

    fiqicigaal @ 7/26/2011 12:47 PM EST
 con...I refuse to trust a dangerous cult that teaches its victims to become recruiters, ev*l promoters, and defenders for the cult and its lies.      

    fiqicigaal @ 7/26/2011 12:45 PM EST
 con..I consider alshabaab nothing but a destructive cult and the proof is more than banning sambuuse, it is the unimaginable atrocities that they carry on defenceless people under the banner of Islam. They won't even let the distribution of food and medical assistance to the weak and the needy- victims of a cruel and terrible drought.

    fiqicigaal @ 7/26/2011 12:40 PM EST
 As the sayng goes, be careful what you pray for, you may get it. We got it didn't we? And who did we get? We got the Alshabaab, the worst cult in living memory.

    Fiiqoow @ 7/26/2011 9:56 AM EST
 KKK a Sambuus? while I am in Afgooye? a feeble propaganda. Is like bras (rajabeeto). If you want to get rajabeeto, go and get a dozen from Cali dheere's sister shop- the Umul Bariira shop at T-da. It is cheap and tax free and if you want Sambuusi come my restaurant at Tisxiile( Afgooye)and take one hundred to the Telegraph.
What will be next propaganda?
    nuunow @ 7/26/2011 9:53 AM EST
Cawaaniin aan diinta waxba ka aqoon Illaah taliye noogama dhigo!

Zambuuska waa la mamnuucay, waxaana ku xiga canjeerada iyo cambuulada!

Wallee kuwaan waa Sheydaamiinta kuwa ugu xun.
    baghdad bob @ 7/26/2011 8:50 AM EST
 LOL so the shape triangle and number 3 must be banned from somalia?
    Momo519 @ 7/26/2011 7:33 AM EST

The Wisdom of colonel Aweys....xaafidul sheydaan canhum!

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