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    saba @ 3/3/2010 7:55 PM EST
Sidoo kale haddad la socoto waxay dhawaan dib u fureen
'IRAQ INQUARY', xataa inay Blair sacrifice-gareeyaan
si ay awood maxkamadeed oo buuxda oo dadku ku qancaan
loo helo waxba kuma aha.

Kaliya ma aha mashruucan inuu soo qabanayo rag ay
siyaasad isku qilaafsan yihiin, it will also change
the laws of the United States of America, the only super power,
who always objected to the powers of the HAIG court.

Luuq luuq aa looga soo baxaa.

    saba @ 3/3/2010 7:47 PM EST

Sorry walaal, mashquul baan noqday.

Ok, biology iskuma fiicnadiin, waan gartay, waan ka
boodaynaa that COMPARTMENT. Xusuusnow hadda, we said that
the prefered method here is COMPARTMENTALIZATION.

Hal mawduuc kaliya aad raacdaa kuma tusi karto Mashruuca
ay wataan guud ahaan.

Artikalka aan kuu diray inaad aqriso, wuxuu ina tusi lahaa,
yaa is haysta oo iyaga ka mid ah, as in ETHNIC GROUP,
iyo sida ay isu kufrinayaan.

Isu kufrinayaan, markaad qof muslin ah ka tiraa, waa
isagoo Diinta kaa saaray sow ma aha?

Qoomkani waa iyadoo uu Ethnitiga kaa saaray, markaad
baad riddo tahay.

Ma aqaan inaad aragtay hadal aan dhawaan qoray oo ahaa...

They take Geneologu Seriously, very seriously.

Arinkaan wuxuu inagu ridi lahaa inaan fahano Kahanadii
iyaga ka mid ahaa ee dhawaan NEW JERSEY lagu xiray oo
la yiri Kalyaha iyo Body parts bay ka ganacsadaan,sida inaan
hore loo ogayn.

Cid kale sooma xirin, mana ku dhacdeen, ee waa isla iyaga
oo khilaafkooda heer xadka dhaafay gaaray.

Way adag tahay in aan sii wado khilaafka and who is
supporting what cause, haddaadan fahmin maqaalka TELEGRAPH.

Laakiin waxaan kuu sheegayaa this one....

Aniga waan ka sii xag jiraa EGEH iyo Isaaq oo dhan markay
timaad in Samatar la maxkamadeeyo.

Saas ay tahay ma aan rabo in kuwan haystaa ay ku guulaystaan
qaddiyaddan, oo waxaan dan guud ee bani'aadamku leeyahay
u arkaa in la sii daayo oo ay ku fashilmaan in la xiro.

Tabcan xiritaankiisu waxay horseedaysaa in kuwa kalena oo
Mujrimiin sidiisa oo kale ah la soo xiro, oo ay ku jiraan
kuwii GAZA dunida oo LIVE u daawanaysa sidaad aragtay yeelay.

Xataa taas dan uma aha masiirka baniaadamka.

Taas waxaa ka dhalanaysa Maxkamad Dawli ah oo effective ah.

Maanta waxay xirayaan rag aad neceb tahay, waxba kuma aha iyaga agtooda,
they can sacrifice one or two of theirs to CONVINCE you to the 'fair court'.

Laakiin !!. Maxaa xiga markaa??.

Waxaa xiga aqood buuxda oo gacantooda gashay.

Ninkay rabaan bay soo qabsan karaan mustaqbalka,all they have to do
is issue a court order.

Halkaa waxaa ka abuurmay a Global court, taasoo la socota Ajendaha
wayn ee abuurka Globalizationka.

Qayb muhim ah oo New World Order-ka ah baa halkaa ka samaysmay,
not only while you were not looking, NO......


Sidaa darteed, SAMATAR MUST GO FREE , for the sake of humanity.

    Guulwade123 @ 3/3/2010 6:47 PM EST

Daroogada iska yaree, waad waalan rabtaa, hadaadan
already waaleyn. waxaagu paranoia waa dhaafeen.
    wadajir #5 @ 3/3/2010 12:10 PM EST
     Waan aqriyay article uu qoray Steve Jones walaal. Ma'ihi nin xagga baayoolojiga kufiican marka xoogaa waan ku wareeray fahankeeda.
    saba @ 3/3/2010 7:28 AM EST
 Keyboardkaa iga waalan,magaciisu waa Zibigneiw Brzezenisky.
    saba @ 3/3/2010 7:13 AM EST

Wax yar oo bidhaamin ah sida qaddiyadu isu leedahay....

Envision inaad nin kale is hor fadhisaan, oo shax
wada cayaaraysaan, Chess game, ka soo qaad in General Samatar
yahay chip ka mid ah shaxda, mana aha Boqorka ama boqorradda.

Neocons kuwii shalay Ciraaq ku fashilmay ayaa maantana doonaya
inay Iiraan weeraraan.

Neoconska waxay isku madhab yihiin LIKUD partyga Israel.

Brewywniski oo Yahuud ah bay waxay usbuucii hore ka gaartay
inuu yiraa Obama yahuud baa gacanta la heshay ,oo isagu Iiraan
in la weeraro dan uma arko,wuxuu rabaa in shiinaha iyo Ruushka la maago.

Intaa yar waxay la xiriirtaa maxay Samatar maxkamadda ula doonayaan.

Isaga maaha ninka la doonayee, niman kalaa is doondoonaya.

    saba @ 3/3/2010 6:43 AM EST

Si qofku u garto waxa maanta socdaa waa inuu qofku og yahay
waxa shalay dhacay. Tabcan waxa barito dhacayana tan maanta
taalaa laga gartaa.

Nimankan adduunyada inay leeyihiin is mooda, qilaafkooda
wuxuu ka bilawday dagaalkii Ciraaq, kaasoo ay bilaabeen
koox xag jir ah, oo ku hubaysan caqliyad ku salaysan diintooda.

Kooxdaas waxaa loo yaqaan TROTESKITEs ama NEOCONS.

Eray bixinta danbe NEO CONS may jecla in loogu yeero,
oo waxay yiraahdaan waa Anto semitic oo Kirishtaanka cay bay
inoogu qarinayaan kalimadda CONs.

Dagaalkii Ciraaq waa ku fashalmeen si fiican.

Laba kun wiil oo yamaniyiin ah iyo kun reer Suuriya ah
bay u babac dhigi waayeen oo ay 8 sano ku xiiqayeen 'foreign fighters'
baa ina haysta.

Ciraaq waxaa ciyaartii u fiicnayd ciyaaray Iiraan, oo goolal isdaba joog
ah oo aan la malaynayn meesha ka dhaliyay.

Maantadan aan tacliiqa kuu qorayo, Ciraaq waa iska leh Iiraan,inta aan
Kurdistan ka ahayn. Iiraan hal nin kuma qasaarin Ciraaq, si sahlanoo
nabdoon oo tatiko miran ah bay la wareegtay Ciraaq.

Maraykan, oo Neocons ay ku adeeganayeen did not declare defeat.

maraykan waa u caado oo they NEVER declare defeat, EVER.

Waqtiga waa ciriri oo i have some work to do, marka intaa ha inoo joogto.

Waxaase muhim ah, inaad fahantaa, inay waxanu yihiin COMPARTMETALIZATION,
waa sida ay Yahuuddu u ciyaarto ciyaarahooga.

Envision biyo mareeno yar yar oo fara badan, oo HAL MEEL biyaha kuwada
shubaya. HAL HARO oo wayn oo biyahaas ka kala imanaya biya mareenada yar yar

Si uu THOUGHT PROCESSka u socdo, aqri maqaalkan mawduucanuu la xiriiraaye.

View from the Lab: Who is a Jew?
DNA can hold the key .

By Steve Jones. TELEGRAPH,UK, MARCH 2ND 2010.

Ha is waydiin hadda sidee arinkan ula xiriirta, horta aqri,
markaa baynu ka wada hadli.

Midna xusuusnow, dagaalada dadkan ay dhexdooda dagaalamayaan,
waa HIGHLY SOPHISTICATED, looguma tala galin in qof walbaa
fahmo ama ka qayb qaato, ma aha sida kuweenii.

    saba @ 3/3/2010 6:22 AM EST

Walaal waan arkay fariintaad iigu dhaaftay maqaalka
kor suran.  Waan jeclaan lahaa inaan macluumaad badan
oo macna leh is dhaafsano,laakiin walaal waxad ogaataa
inaysan ku suuroobayn Mareegtan HOL.

Walaal mareegta sidad aragto waa goob kulmisa dad
aan waxba garanayn, doonayn inay bartaan, caydana
ay u wehliso.

Taa waxaa sii dheer, dad waxa jira, waxaysan ka war
qabin ay la tahay wax aan dhicin. Haddii uusan isaga
wax ka ogayn,wax jiraa ma aha.

THOUGHT PROCESS, waxa isla gali kara dad isku thaqaafad ah.

Haddaan aniga mawduuca furay, oo aad adna wax kaga darto,
ama aad ka jarto, amaba aad hore u sii waddo,
waa AQOON IS WAYDAARSI, sow maaha??   HOL taasi kama dhacayso.

Sidaa daraadeed ma aan jecli in aan Gunta doodaha galo.

Mar hadaad wax iga waydiisay waan isku dayayaa inaan soo gaabiyo,
oo aan qaar ka mida ah kaala sheekaysto.

    wadajir #5 @ 3/2/2010 10:04 PM EST
   Noowad sheekada walaaleey.
    egeh @ 3/2/2010 4:57 PM EST

Morgan is criminal but he is a coward who is very much in hiding and is very much fearful for his life. Unlike Samater who bragged about giving instructions to destroy Hargeysa, Morgan denied all wrong doing and everyone knows that coward Morgan was nicknamed Abdi Bele for instead of fighting he used to run faster than the scared rabbits.
Now stop whining and accept the reality and let the justice run its course. In case you don't know this man is counting on the Jewish and the Saudi lobby to defend him by any means necessary. He also has the support of your clan even though what all your clan could do for him is to cry and shed crocodile tears.
Maharin hadal la is yidhaadaa since you even claimed to have girl friend when the whole world knows that you are a f'ag. A super bender and that doesn't stop with you only. Is hereditary and a genetic disorder.
    saba @ 3/2/2010 2:15 PM EST
'Jews always fight their wars by PROXY', Dr Mohathir Mohamad.

    saba @ 3/2/2010 2:09 PM EST
 Waa yahay, u malayn maayo inuu idinku jiro qof garran
kara sababta ay maqifyada is qilaafsan ee aadka uga kala
hiilinaya Samatar ay u qaadanayaan 'powers that be'.

Waa qasab inaan aniga sharxaa, waqti uma hayo, laakiin
i give you a hint, if you are worthy, waad garran ajendaha.

Intaanan sabata guda galin, marka hore aan iraahdo waxaan
ku jiraa dadka raba in Samatar cadaaladda la hor keeno,
magaalda HARGAYSA, oo waliba rag ISAAQ ah ay xukumaan.

Qaddiyadan iminka Samatar loogu marmarsiiyoonayo, Samatar
ma qusayso, shaqana kuma laha.

Cadaalad ma qusayso, shaqana kuma laha.

Isaq la laayay ma qusayso, micno badanna uguma fadhiyaan
kuwan Samatar haysta, oo haddii la barbaaro qaar ka mida kuwa
isaga haysta waxay isku cid noqon karaan Raggii ajnabiga ahaa,
ee Samatar iyo Siyaad u soo ijaarteen inay Hargaysa iyo waxa ku
noolba dhulka la simaan, inta ka qaxdana dayaaraduhu jidka cidlada
uga daba tagaan oo dhulka la simaan.

Qadiyaddan, to give you a hint, waxay la socotaa haddii aad baryahanba
maqlayseen Qaadi la yiraa Justice GOLDSTONE, oo doondoonaya Mujrimiin
xarb sida Natanyahu, barak, and TSIVI LEVI.

Tan dambe ee Tsvi Levi, iyadu waxayba joojisay inay
waddamada qaar u dhoofto sida Isbaaniya iyo Ingiriiska.

Haddaba muxuu leeyahay 'Justice' Goldstone oo uu u raadsanayaa
nimankaa Yahuudda ah ee uu isagaba ka dhashay, oo waliba la og yahay
inuu yahay avid Zionist??.

Waa maxay Mashruuca guud ahaan?

Ma dadkiisuu neceb yahay Mr. Goldstone??

Ma Gaza ayuu hiilo u yahay?!!.

Ma nin damiirkiisu gubayaa, oo wuxuu la hurdda beelay
tii Gaza ka dhacday??

Waa maxay sababta ay isu haystaan labadan koox?

Yaa waaye labada koox?

Yaa la kala safan??

Ma dad is diiddan baa mise arin kalaa jira??

Ma laga yaabaa in Soomaali Maxamad hami u yeelato
inay su'aalahaa is waydiiso??


Mise sheekadu QABIIL, keenii, bay inoo ahanaysaa??

Ma laba Qabiil oo Somali ah baa halkan isku haysta,
mise laba koox oo Yahuud ah??

    saba @ 3/2/2010 12:55 PM EST
 Haddaan iraa ragga somaliyeed ma fiira dheera,Nomadic1
baan meel aan ka galo waynayaa.

Shoclad Dab ah buu iga daba qaadanayaa,markaasuu Godkaan
galaba iiga soo saarayaa.

Let us see what is going on here....

The report on Washington post on Samatar is very friendly.

Friendly to the extent that the newspaper lined up all his supporters,
and none of his accusers.

Friendly as far as the post feels to tell us that the APOSTATE former
General Prays REGULARLY, emphesis on regularity.

Friendly so much so that we know the Samatar Family has something called
'sunday dinner' together.

So friendly that the paper made me emotional when it told me how the Samatar's
three year old grandaughter k1ssed granny on the lips, how emotional is that?

But why?

Why the Washington post is doing this??

Why the ABC on the other hand and probably LA TIMEs soon lined up
Samatar's accusers and none of his supporters?

Does anyone of you know the answer,or even noticed??

    saba @ 3/2/2010 12:48 PM EST
 Haddaan iraa ragga somaliyeed ma fiira dheera,Nomadic1
baan meel aan ka galo waynayaa.

Shoclad Dab ah buu iga daba qaadanayaa,markaasuu Godkaan
galaba iiga soo saarayaa.

Let us see what is going on here....

The report on Washington post on Samatar is very friendly.

Friendly to the extent that the newspaper lined up all his supporters,
and none of his accusers.

Friendly as far as the post feels to tell us that the APOSTATE former
General Prays REGULARLY, emphesis on regularity.

Friendly so much so that we know the Samatar Family has something called
'sunday dinner' together.

So friendly that the paper made me emotional when it told me how the Samatar's
three year old grandaughter k1ssed granny on the lips, how emotional is that?

But why?

Why the Washington post is doing this??

Why the ABC on the other hand and probably LA TIMEs soon lined up
Samatar's accusers and none of his supporters?

Does anyone of you know the answer,or even noticed??

    ilatali @ 3/2/2010 11:47 AM EST
 The real War crimes are:

Abudlahi Yusuf and Ali Geedi,
former TFG leaders that brought Tigrean Regime into
Ali Samater was one time consder to work for teh TFG
as an Ambassador to Italy.
I am glad Italian goverment refuse to accept him
as an Ambassador and he was foolsih to accept.

becasue this is the man who borught Ehtiopian to their
knee, and ..

For all those criminals in Nairobi
they will be arretsed and prosucted one by one:

Abudlahi Yusuf, TFG
Ali Geedi, TFG PM
Mohamed Qanyare, Shabab Suporter TFG MP
Abdi Qaybidid, POlice Chief, MP
Dahir Aweys. te
Ibrhaim AKA Godane, Shabab leader
Hassan turki, Shabab
Ahmed Madoobe, Hizbul Islam

    simbe @ 3/2/2010 10:51 AM EST
 If Samater is a criminal then all other Somali leaders are criminals including Riyaale.
I am not against that someone can suit anyone who committed crime against someone but we have to be realist, we know many real war criminals are still at large why we accuse the most decent one Mohamed Ali Samatar? There something fishy here.

I believe he should be the last one who should show up a court of justice. There are many mass murders living among us and enjoying the protection of their bigger clan’s men.
I can name at least 20.  

I am for and hope that one day these criminals will pay the crime and atrocities they committed against Somali people and justice will prevail but you guys who begun with accusing Samatar destroy that cause.

    Mahare_Is_Here @ 3/2/2010 10:38 AM EST

Thank lord, Morgan is not the "criminal" they use to prag about anymore!!!!

And Why would I ask my mom that question?. That would be stupid!! I have so many girls from (..?land) to ask, have you ever wondered!!!

Xaqa feerahuu ka dilaacaa!!!!
    fiqicigaal @ 3/2/2010 10:21 AM EST
 I totally agree with Mr Rawson, the US deputy chief of mission in Somalia from 1986 to 1988 when he stated, " Why Samantar, of all Somali officials of that era, is the one being sued." Real power he says, "was concentrated in president Siyad Barre and a small group of his clan members."

In all fairness, there are no past or present saints in mad clan driven Somalia and no wonder eynu faraqa isuwada heysano ilaa yomal qiyaamaha.

Somalia must pull itself from the water now or sink in the bottomless abyss.    
    egeh @ 3/2/2010 9:06 AM EST

You have repeated (Siilland) many times and I wonder whether you know the definition of (----?land). I suggest when you go home today to ask your Mama the meaning of that word. When Mama tells you the meaning you may possibly refrain from or be ashamed of repeating the same in your future postings.
    egeh @ 3/2/2010 7:42 AM EST

Still barking like a toothless dog. Still using the same foul language, but anyway let me tell you that Samater wasn't and isn't a soft target. In case you don't know he was second strongest man in the Afweyne regime  and since Afweyne himself was senile at the time Samater was technically the final authority and on top of that he confessed to the whole world that he ordered the destruction of Hargeisa and that is precisely why is he being sued.
For your information Morgan is not seen as important or powerful as Samater, so why waste time on time him. It was only either Afweyne or Samater and unfortunately Afweyne expired before no one got to him. All the rest of your uncles are not considered worthy to be sued so you can relax.
    egeh @ 3/2/2010 7:38 AM EST

Still barking like a toothless dog. Still using the same foul language, but anyway let me tell you that Samater wasn't and isn't a soft target. In case you don't he was second strongest man in the Afweyne regime  and since Afweyne himself was senile at the time Samater was technically the final authority and on top of that he confessed to the whole world that he ordered the destruction of Hargeisa and that is precisely why is he being sued.
For your information Morgan is not seen as important or powerful as Samater, so why waste time on time him. It was only either Afweyne or Samater and unfortunately Afweyne expired before no one got to him. All the rest of your uncles are not considered worthy to be sued so you can relax.
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 3/2/2010 7:12 AM EST

You showed how ign0nart and c0ward you are. Instead of suing the men behind the decision, you chose a soft target.
Try to be fair and go after the men who use to p1ss on your face. Morgan is around and many others. But do you dare? I doubt and I even think you would prepare a red carpet welcome ceremonies.

Samatar is a Somali hero and a separatist, Somali h4ter like Siilland will always be at the loosing corner.
    egeh @ 3/2/2010 6:31 AM EST

A barking dog seldom bites. I bet you can contribute nothing to Samater's defense neither  morally nor materially. I am sure you are bankrupt in both cases and your foul language is a clear indication of that. On the other hand chances are, the ancestors of both Samater and Mursal are far superior to yours so don't try to belittle them.
As far as  the law suit is concerned this man will have his day in court to face the consequences of his actions nothing more nothing less. In the meantime let the justice prevail.
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 3/2/2010 5:13 AM EST
 P4thetic lawsuit. My recomodation to Samatar is counter-suit the b4stards.
It's unl4wfull in USA to d1scriminate against people for their collour, religion and clan.

He and his ancestors suffered centuries for this kind of baseless class out-cast and people from Siilland still practice fully. They should be stoped and pay the damage they caused for the innocent. The last example is the visit of one of the Somali Heroes "Maryan Mursal" to Siillaand to make life litle better for the 0ppressed and she met resistance from top to bottom. Even their intellectuals couldn't resist the deep rooted prejud1ce they have in them.

To Mr Samatar. You and your family are not alone in this, you have my support and the support of decent Somali people. I promise I will personally contribute to the cause.

To the ign0rant who started this mess, don't start a f1ght you can't win.....
    nep @ 3/2/2010 5:12 AM EST
 I fully support Mr Samatar, if I were in his position at the time I would have done the same thing, upheld the unity of the nation. The other interesting point is why sue Samatar alone, is it because he is a soft target..
    egeh @ 3/2/2010 3:51 AM EST
 Afweyne ma odhan anaa amarka duqaynta Hargeysa bixiyey, masuul kale oo ku andacooday inuu ka dambeeyey duqayntii Hargeysa oo taliskii Afweyne  ku jirayna ma jiro. Mujrimkan oo kaliya ayaa Idaacada BBCiida kaga faanay inuu isaga naftiisu goaamiyey in Hargeysa iyo dadka shicibka ah ee ku nool la tirtiro oo magaalada dhulka lala simo dadkana la xasuuqo.
Ninkani if iyo aakhiro toona inuu ku badbaado maaha. Somaali qabiil kuu doono haka ahaadee isgaa midida daabkeed hayey kuna talo galay  inuu ummad dhan oo ilaah abuurtay xaaqo e waa in abaalkii laga waraabiyaa.
    sheikh @ 3/2/2010 3:18 AM EST
 Yaa ka mas'uul ah hada waxa ka dhacooyo Muqdishow iyo
guud ahaan Soomaaliya? Arrimo dhacay iyadoo Xukuumad jirtay
loona dhamaa marka noqoto Sarakiil iyo Wasiiro Sidee Hal
qof Mas'uul oga noqon karaa? War Ilaah aan ka baqno oo aan
isa saxno yeynaan ku jirin Dulmi.

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