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    fiqicigaal @ 2/7/2011 3:45 PM EST
 The debate shifted to clan argument before someone can comment on those priceless Somali cave paintings that needs to be preserved but most of all to be protected.

My take on this one is, let us not politicize the issue, it is Somali Heritage and it can only be funded and saved under the request of Somalia not Somaliland, a clan enclave.  
    alaale @ 2/7/2011 11:12 AM EST
 Hahaha there is no room for Daaroods in this topic. They don't share anything with cattles. The world call us NOMAD to this date. Not other than Daarood who brought this name to us. Thanks to Daaroods who make us like Mongolians. All they know is camel and they act like camel.
    simbe @ 2/7/2011 2:40 AM EST

“Here are the civilized Isaacs who domesticized cattles 5000 years ago. Uncivilized daroods dont have cattles to this day. They are chasing camels across five borders (Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Somaliland and Djibouti). “

Are we so deferent, we don’t have anything in common about 5000 years; Iidoors was here already and was domesticated cattle rangers?

You have the record of idiocy in this forum. I can give some Somali history but you will not understand any way because your marqaan brain can’t comprehend what was here before 100 years ago let alone 5000 years.

Sada Mire is doing good job to preserve this Somali heritage site.

    Holac @ 2/7/2011 2:15 AM EST
 Look at the premitive f9ash trying to claim our work. If you can paint anything, you would have cave paintings where you live. Not claim other people's works. Forget about paintings, the Daroods were semi-naked and couldnt even make a clothe for themselve.

Here are the civilized Isaacs who domesticized cattles 5000 years ago. Uncivilized daroods dont have cattles to this day. They are chasing camels across five borders (Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Somaliland and Djibouti).

Well done Sada Mire. We will find the funds, the Frenchs have already done research on this work and we look forward to their findings. They are the leaders when it comes to Archaeology.
    Fiiqoow @ 2/6/2011 9:16 PM EST
 5000 years Somalian didn't exist. This is an exageration and if possible painters weren't Somalis. Because there is no Geel painting. This painting I think is 2000 years, and it may be painted the Somalis first powerful tribes such as Midgaans, Tumals and yibirs because they are only artist clans that we have upto now.
    Mahiigaan @ 2/6/2011 7:32 PM EST
 The area belong to Darood, so it is actually a Darood
Heritage :)
But before we talk about Caves and crappy stick
figures in a dingy hole, how about "Somaliland' killing
the decendents of those cave carvers they are killing
every day, Somaliland carries war with the villages which are suffering from
    dhulkeenii @ 2/6/2011 2:44 PM EST
 Sada mire waxad qabatay shaqo qiime weyn leh oo reer somaliland ku diirsadeen waxaad soo quftay raadadkii Awowyadeen siiwad howsha wacan ilahna hakula garabgalo.midna waxaan odhanayaa cadowga somaliland ciilkaa iskaga jir aad dooratay dee ileyn kolay cadceed baad babacada isleedahay ku qariye
    Erigavo @ 2/6/2011 2:21 PM EST
 Sada Mire, the first Somali cave paintings was discovered near Laasqoray, Sanaag region back in 1984.
Please read, "Brandt, S. A. and Brook, G. A.: Archaeological and Paleoenvironmental Research in Northern Somalia"
Instead of lobbying for funds for the preservation of these paintings just because the cave happens to be inside the clan-territory of Isaq, please don't mislead the world.
Clannishness is what Somalilanders demonstrate. :)
    mysomalia @ 2/6/2011 6:47 AM EST
 Cant we even share our heritage as '' somali'' with out mixing it with policy?
The painting was made by somalis and it should stay that way. If Idoors want
thier so-called country then they have to seek it in other way but the heritage should
be for all somalis. I hope they dont distroy it just to deny the word somali be mensioned
any thing in their neigbourhood.

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