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Somali President visits army training camps, highlights fight against terrorism

Tuesday April 16, 2024

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud visited the army training schools of TurkSom, General Dhaga-Badan, and General Daud camps in Mogadishu on Monday to inspect army units departing for the front lines and high-level training for Turkey.

President Mohamud addressed the troops, emphasizing the government's hope to conclude the struggle to free the country from terrorism successfully. He highlighted the expectations of people residing in areas under al-Shabab control who are eager to be liberated.

The President noted that the government is pursuing two significant initiatives: one to eliminate terrorism and the other to rebuild the National Army.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud convened a special meeting with the army's leading officers to discuss the government's commitment to completing military operations in south and central Somalia in the coming months.

Two days prior, the newly appointed Minister of Internal Security, Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail Fartag, declared that the federal government would eradicate al-Shabab militants from regional states by April of the following year, 2025. These operations had been paused during the holy month of Ramadan.


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